[News] PFLP - Warnings against Israeli attempts to achieve by political means what was not done militarily

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Wed Jan 28 12:12:09 EST 2009

Warnings against Israeli attempts to achieve by 
political means what was not done militarily
28.01.09 - 14:22

Cairo / PNN – In continued commentary from the 
factional meetings in Cairo regarding internal 
reconciliation and a ceasefire with the Israelis, 
the leftists are warning against accepting what does not benefit Palestine.

Jamil Mezher of the Popular Front for the 
Liberation of Palestine’s Central Committee said 
today, “We must be wary of attempts to pressure the Palestinian people... "

"...into accepting by political means what was 
not achieved by the occupation in Gaza.”

He noted that no decisions should be taken 
lightly or quickly, no matter who is pushing for 
agreement. “We must review comprehensively the 
political program as it relates to the 
Palestinian political strategy and national 
principles. Our work is toward ending the state 
of division and restoring unity, and holding the 
Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole 
legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.”

On Al Jazeera Mezher demanded of all Palestinian 
factions to advance the interests of the people 
above all partisan interests. “We need an 
immediate response to sitting down to a 
comprehensive national dialogue in order to 
restore unity which we must to confront the 
occupation and its policies against our people. 
We have to rebuild the Gaza Strip that was so devastatingly destroyed.”

He said that the PFLP is attending the Cairo 
meetings as its own delegation separate from the 
PLO so as not to appear to be in the face of 
Hamas. “Our intention is not to be with any one party over another.”

Regarding a ceasefire with Israeli forces the 
leftist said the approach was wrong, that the 
debate is not being set in reality. “In the 
presence of occupation and continuing aggression 
we cannot agree to some ceasefire that means 
nothing to the Zionists other than our capitulation.”

Mezher said, “In the interests of our people we 
must form a united resistance. It is our right to 
decide where and when and how to resist this criminal enemy.”

A government of national unity remains the choice 
of the leftists which keeps the PLO remaining in 
the position it was founded for.

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