[News] Charges filed by international attorneys against 15 Israeli officials

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Fri Jan 23 13:13:58 EST 2009

Charges filed by international attorneys against 15 Israeli officials

23.01.09 - 12:51

Bethlehem / PNN – Palestinian and international 
efforts continue to institute legal proceedings 
for the prosecution of Israeli officials in the commission of war crimes.

Although Israeli forces are involved in thousands 
of cases, local experts such as the Palestinian 
Centre for Human Rights believe that the recent 
major attacks on the Gaza Strip will successfully prosecuted.

“They were well-documented, televised and the 
world was paying attention,” a member of the Gaza City team commented.

After the very public detection of large-scale 
atrocities which included the use of white 
phosphorus bombs in enclosed civilian areas and 
the liquidation of children there is little defense.

Fifteen specific names are now pending for 
prosecution in The Hague’s war crimes tribunal.

Those listed for prosecution include Israeli 
political and military officials, namely Ehud 
Olmert, Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak.

Israelis are being warned internally against 
leaving its boundaries due to fears of arrest.

French lawyer Gilles Dovers is handling the 
complaint in Paris calling for the “open 
investigation into war crimes” committed by 
Israeli forces during three weeks in Gaza.

Dovers said today that 500 complaints are being 
submitted by Arab, European and Latin American 
officials. Bolivia is preparing its own case, as is Venezuela.

Argentine international prosecutor, Luis 
Moreno-Ocampo, is deciding whether to go ahead with an investigation.

The French lawyer said there is some fear of 
interference from the United Nations Security 
Council under pressure from the United States to 
stop the proceedings and prevent the achievement 
of access to trial. The founding texts of the 
International Criminal Court empower the Security Council to suspend its work.

Today’s invitation to try at least 15 Israeli 
officials is being delivered by 30 international 
lawyers of several nationalities.

In parallel, the intention of a group of French 
lawyers to file a complaint on behalf of French 
citizens of Palestinian origin to the French 
courts against Israeli officials is gaining 
attention in the cities of Paris and eastern France.

Coordination with other lawyers in Belgium and 
Spain is underway as similar complaints against 
the Israeli officials are being made in Brussels 
and Madrid. Belgium is among the countries who 
issued charges against Ariel Sharon in the past.

Moroccan lawyers also disclosed yesterday 
practical steps toward filing a lawsuit against 
"the perpetrators of war crimes" in Gaza. Six 
lawyers are working with the Minister of Justice of Morocco.

As reported by PNN throughout the week, in Tel 
Aviv Israeli activists published 15 names:

Ehud Barak, Amir Peretz, Binyamin Ben Eliezer, 
Avi Dichter, Carmi Gilon, Dan Halutz, Doron 
Almog, Ehud Olmert, Eliezer Shkedy, Gabi 
Ashkenazi, Giora Eiland, Matan Vilani, Moshe Bogi 
Yaalon, Shaul Mofaz and Tzipi Livni,

along with reasons they are listed and photos on:


included with the note: “Anyone who has 
information about the suspect when he is outside 
of the Israeli borders, report immediately to
and gives contact information for The Hague.

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