[News] Women of Lebanon and Children in West Bank demonstrate in solidarity with Gaza

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jan 12 12:57:57 EST 2009

Two Articles Follow

Women in Lebanon demonstrate for Gaza
12.01.09 - 11:01

Lebanon / PNN - Under the slogan "Stop aggression 
and lift the blockade," the women of Ein 
el-Hilweh Refugee Camp in Lebanon demonstrated for Gaza.

Hundreds of women condemned yesterday the 
relative silence and inaction by Arab governments 
in stopping the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.

An international appeal was issued by the General 
Union of Palestinian Women, Lebanon Branch. 
Hundreds of women are part of the anger and 
appeal to end the military operation that has 
killed nearly 900 Palestinians since 27 December.

The Democratic Women’s Caucus represented by 
Jumana Mari, the Lebanese Women, headed by Fadya 
Kheris, National Meeting for the Abolition of 
Discrimination against Women, directed by Thuraya 
Hashem, and Lebanese-Palestinian dialogue with 
lawyer Maya Majzoub penned the draft statement.

Yesterday’s demonstration began with a moment of 
silence for Palestinian victims in Gaza and the 
diaspora. Gathering in the Hall of Martyr Ziad Al 
Atrash in Ein el-Hilweh, women listened to Rajeh 
Ghanei demand to maintain the struggle for the 
full rights of the Palestinian people, no matter 
how aggressive is the attack against the national 
project. “These days nothing stops at the borders 
of the brutal aggression against the Palestinian 
people in the Gaza Strip,” she said.

Jumana Mir'i demanded in a speech on behalf of 
the Democratic Women's Caucus to “stop the 
massacre committed by the Zionist enemy against 
the Palestinian people in Gaza.”

"Mir'i" condemned the Arab and international 
silence, “which has contributed to the Zionist 
enemy's crimes in Gaza against children and 
women, the elderly and places of worship, 
recording a flagrant violation of all 
international charters and covenants, and humanity.”

In a speech delivered by the Lebanese Women's 
Commission, Fadya Kheris called for expelling the 
Israeli ambassadors from Arab and Islamic 
countries that have established diplomatic ties, 
cultural or economic contacts “with the Israeli Zionist entity.”

A word from the Commission on Dialogue and 
Development was delivered by the 
Lebanese-Palestinian lawyer Majzoub Al Maya on 
behalf of the Minister of Education and Higher 
Education, Bahia Hariri. "What is happening in 
Gaza are massacres, bloody terrible events that 
have never been witnessed before, against the steadfast of Gaza.”

She pointed out that "Israel is a military 
society that runs on fear. Its leaders and its 
inhabitants are convinced that their only 
solution is repression, aggression and mass 
murder. The conscience of the world could not for 
more than six decades deter the killer and the offender.”

Women walked through the streets of the 
Palestinian refugee camp flying black flags and 
carrying pictures of the children killed in the 
past two weeks, the number of who are approximately 400.

Hundreds of children take to the West Bank streets for Gaza
11.01.09 - 17:28

Qalqilia / PNN – Children of the West Bank 
demonstrated today in support of Gaza children 
with Bethlehem streets filled with young voices calling for justice.

In northwestern West Bank’s Qalqilia hundreds of 
children shouted in anger and outrage and what is 
happening to the children in the Gaza Strip. They 
talked about the killing, terrorizing and displacement.

“We live everyday in solidarity with our brave 
brothers and sisters in Gaza,” a small Bethlehem 
boy yelled. In Qalqilia the chant was, “we 
sacrifice our blood and souls, we sacrifice ourselves for you Gaza.”

The Qalqilia children’s march began at Fateh 
party headquarters in the province and roamed the 
city streets that had been closed to traffic. 
They gathered again in front of the International 
Committee of the Red Cross building where the 
children presented a document of protest. They 
condemned the killing of children and the use of 
prohibited weapons and demanded that the 
international community provide security.

The statement presented on Sunday read in part, 
“The children in the Gaza Strip do not enjoy even 
the most basic rights of life, security or 
safety. We call on the International Committee of 
the Red Cross to take a real role in the 
application of international treaties that 
guarantee the lives of the innocent during times of war.”

A Qalqilia child said, “This march is an 
expression of solidarity from the children of 
Qalqilia with our brothers who are being brutally 
killed by the machine of occupation and terrorism.”

A girl said, “The children in Gaza, in all of 
Palestine, have the right to live a peaceful life 
like other children of the world do.”

Murad Ashtioi told the media on behalf of Fateh 
in Qalqilia, “The movement began a program of 
solidarity with our brave brothers at the 
beginning of the brutal aggression which targets all age groups.”

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