[News] Bolivia cuts Israel ties over Gaza

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jan 14 15:22:20 EST 2009

Bolivia cuts Israel ties over Gaza


Evo Morales, the president of Bolivia, says he is breaking off ties 
with Israel in protest against its war in Gaza, which has left more 
than 1,000 Palestinians dead.

Morales said on Wednesday that he would seek to get top Israeli 
officials, including Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, charged 
with "genocide" in the International Criminal Court.

The Bolivian president also dismissed the United Nations and its 
"Insecurity Council" for its "lukewarm" response to the crisis and 
said the general assembly should hold an emergency session to condemn 
the invasion.

"Considering these grave attacks against ... humanity, Bolivia will 
stop having diplomatic relations with Israel," Morales told diplomats 
in the Bolivian capital, La Paz.

He also said that Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, should be stripped of
his Nobel Peace Prize for failing to stop the invasion.

Palestinian 'holocaust'

Morales's move follows the decision by his ally Hugo Chavez, the 
Venezuelan president, to expel Israel's ambassador in the country 
because of the offensive, calling it a "holocaust".

Morales expelled the US ambassador from Bolivia in September after 
accusing him of encouraging violent protests against his government.

Chavez did the same not long afterwards in "solidarity" with Morales.

More than 1,000 Palestinians have now died in Israel's offensive in 
Gaza, around 40 per cent of whom were civilians, aid agencies and 
Palestinian medics say.

Thirteen Israelis have also died, four from rocket fire from Gaza.

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