[News] White Phosphorus and its use in Gaza

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Tue Jan 13 12:22:02 EST 2009

Special: White Phosphorus and its use in Gaza


  Tuesday January 13, 2009 12:30
 by Dr. Mazen Qumssiya - for the Applied Research 
Institute of Jerusalem – Arij 
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White Phosphorus (P4) is a waxy fat soluble 
colorless or slightly yellow solid with a garlic 
smell that is not naturally occurring but is 
produced in the laboratory.  It is highly 
reactive with oxygen (ignites spontaneously upon 
drying and exposure to air) producing compounds 
like P4O6 (phosphorus pentoxide) and P4O10 which 
upon contact with water becomes oxophosphoric 
acids (aslternatively direct reaction with water 
can lead to phosphoric acid HPO4 through some intermediate compounds)

Press TV Images of WP use in Gaza

Press TV Images of WP use in Gaza

These properties have give it both civilian and 
military uses.  Its civilian uses include 
production of phosphoric acid and phosphate based 
fertilizers.  It is used by the military because 
it interacts with oxygen producing fire and smoke 
and can act both as a smokescreen, marking enemy 
areas and also to terrorize enemy combatants to 
leave fox holes and tunnels into more open areas 
where standard ammunition can be used on them. 
White phosphorous is a member of a class of 
incendiary weapons that includes such things as 
napalm and thermites but also functions in 
producing smoke to confuse and destroy the 
ability of enemy troops to function.  When used 
as an incendiary weapon it works directly against 
personnel producing severe physical and 
psychological impacts and also destroys equipment of targeted troops.

Military use and use in Iraq:   According to 
GlobalSecurity.org (a national security 
information outlet in the US): “White Phosphorus 
(WP), known as Willy Pete, is used for signaling, 
screening, and incendiary purposes. White 
Phosphorus can be used to destroy the enemy's 
equipment or to limit his vision. It is used 
against vehicles, petroleum, oils and lubricants 
(POL) and ammunition storage areas, and enemy 
observers. WP can be used as an aid in target 
location and navigation. It is usually dispersed 
by explosive munitions. It can be fired with fuze 
time to obtain an airburst. White phosphorus was 
used most often during World War II in military 
formulations for smoke screens, marker shells, 
incendiaries, hand grenades, smoke markers, 
colored flares, and tracer bullets.” 

The US used WP in its wars from Vietnam to Iraq 
and has defended such use as 
legitimate.  Initially the US forces claimed that 
they used WP just 'to illuminate enemy positions 
at night, not [directed] at enemy fighters' but 
and sent mixed signals about whether it considers 
it an incendiary devise or not and whether 
insurgents are targeted by the devise or it is 
merely used as a spectacular light and smoke 

WP was used to 'flush' insurgents out to kill 
them using other munitions: 'WP proved to be an 
effective and versatile munition. We used it for 
screening missions at two breeches and, later in 
the fight, as a potent psychological weapon 
against the insurgents in trench lines and spider 
holes when we could not get effects on them with 
HE (High Explosive) Rounds. We fired ‘shake and 
bake’ missions at the insurgents, using WP to 
flush them out and HE to take them out.' (TF 2-2 
IN FSE AAR: Indirect Fires in the Battle of 
Fallujah, By Captain James T. Cobb, First 
Lieutenant Christopher A. LaCour and Sergeant 
First Class William H. Hight, Field Artillery, 
March-April 2005, pp. 23-28).   While initially 
denying use of it as an incendiary device against 
targetted personnel, the US Pentagon spokesman 
later admitted to the BBC such use in Fallujah 

The same spokesperson explained that 'One 
technique is to fire a white phosphorus round 
into the position because the combined effects of 
the fire and smoke­and in some case the terror 
brought about by the explosion on the ground­will 
drive them out of the holes so that you can kill 
them with high explosives.' 

WP use is legal for purposes such as illumination 
and obscuring smoke, and the Chemical Weapons 
Convention does not list WP in its schedules of 
chemical weapons.   Witnesses and analysis of the 
battlefield in Falluja revealed to Italian 
filmmakers significant effects on the civilian 
population. (see documentary 

Health impact   At one point WP was used in rat 
poison and in fireworks but modern products do 
not have it because of potential health 
hazards.  The US Center for Disease Control 
states that it is reported to cause death an 
injury when inhaled, ingested, or had contact 
with the skin (whether after burns or without 
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 
listed white phosphorus as a “Hazardous Air 
Pollutant” and requires spills of 1 pound or more 
to be reported to the EPA (Center for Disease 
Control report 

White phosphorus burns can be lethal due to 
absorption of WP from the burned surface “which 
may result in multi-organ failure (mainly liver 
and kidneys), hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, 
and electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities (ST 
depression, QT elongation, microvoltage of QRS 
and bradycardia) (Bowen TE, Whelan TJ Jr, Nelson 
TG. 1971. Sudden death after phosphorus burns: 
experimental observations of hypocalcemia, 
hyperphosphatemia, and electrocardiographic 
abnormalities following production of a standard 
white phosphorus burn. Ann Surg 174:779-784.; 
Eldad A. Simon GA. 1991. The phosphorus burn - a 
preliminary comparative experimental study of 
various forms of treatment. Burns 17:198-200.; 
cited in CDC document 

Patients who survive for more than a week usually 
exhibit significant changes in fat and protein 
metabolism (including fatty degeneration) and 
severe jaundice (Blanke RV. 1970. Toxicology. In: 
Tietz NW, ed. Fundamentals of clinical chemistry. 
Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co, 833-889.).   When 
WP burns in the air in conditions of high oxygen, 
it generates smoke with an average aerosol mass 
concentration between 2,500 and 3,000 mg/m3, with 
the major components being polyphosphates, 
phosphine, and elemental phosphorus (Van Voris P, 
Cataldo DA, Ligotke MW, et al. 1987. Evaluate and 
characterize mechanisms controlling transport, 
fate and effects of Army smokes in the aersol 
wind tunnel. Pacific Northwest Laboratories, 
Richland, Washington.). Acute (5-30 minute) 
exposures to WP smoke caused deaths in 
experimental rats, mice, guinea pigs, and goats 
at concentrations of orthophosphoric acid and 
phosphorus pentoxide well below those that occur 
in military usage (Brown BJ, Affleck GE, Ferrand RL, et al.. 1980.

The acute effects of single exposures to white 
phosphorus smoke in rats and guinea pigs. Report 
No. ARCSL-TR-80013, AD-B051836L; White SA, 
Armstrong GC. 1935. White phosphorus smoke: Its 
irritating concentration for man and its toxicity 
for small animals for one-hour exposures. 
E.A.T.P. 190, Project A 5.2-l.).  These authors 
documented congestion, edema, and hemorrhages in 
the lungs of effected animals.

WP substance is now known to cause what is known 
as phossy jaws (a degenerative condition 
affecting the soft tissue, bones, and teeth of 
the oral cavity) which has resulted in deaths due 
to secondary septicemias (Ward EF. 1928. 
Phosphorus necrosis in the manufacture of 
fireworks. Journal of Industrial Hygiene and 
Toxicology 10:314-330.).  There are scattered 
studies on effects of WP and WP Smoke on renal, 
circulatory, hepatic, and musculoskeletal systems 

The third health effect is in the persistence of 
particles of WP in the environment .  These is 
obviously more common in combat use of large 
amounts in shells as compared to usual spills or 
pollution from industrial production WP chunks 
may be shielded from oxygen (hence burning) 
either by falling into water that has little 
oxygen content or simply as pieces of solids that 
can linger in the environment for years without 
reacting or as intermediary combustion products 
(partial combustion) especially in soils or 
environments with limited oxygen 

Reports of usage in Gaza:   The Los Angeles Times 
reported January 12 that 20 homes burnt, one 
women killed and several injured from the use of 
WP in Gaza writing:“One landed in my kitchen and 
caused a fire,' said Zohair Mohammed abu Rejila, 
35. 'I went to put it out, but another one landed 
on Mayar, my baby daughter. It was like a block 
of fire, a piece of plastic on fire. When I 
knocked it off her, it exploded and out came this 
heavy white smoke with a very bad smell.' 

Al-Jazeera TV reported on its use for several 
days between December 29-January 9 and aired 
footage of several civilian victims of white 
phosphorus bombs showing characteristic 
burns.  One teenage girl, Jamila Al-Habash, had 
both of her legs amputated and an interview with 
Dr. Raed Al-'Areeny from Al-Shaifa Hospital 
explained the need for amutation because of the 
WP adherence to and reaction with soft tissues 
penetrating even to the bones.

Footage released also show the characteristic 
images of shelling in neighborhoods with 
On January 12, 2009, Human Rights Watch issued a 
report demanding Israel stop using WP 


When burning particles of WP attach quickly 
remove all clothing affected to prevent skin 
contact.  Use cold water to rinse and extinguish 
any areas of skin or clothing effected.  Rinising 
with sodium bicarbonate solution helps neutralize 
acids. Emove any visible chunks of WP using 
appropriate tools.  Clothing or material that has 
WP should be discarded in water or allowed to 
burn in a safe location.  Burns should be covered 
with moist saline-soaked dressing to prevent 
inflammation.  Some recommend use of 0.5-2.0% 
copper sulphate pads but only for short period of 
time because of copper toxicity.

Legal Issues

The use of WP against civilians was banned in the 
1980 convention titled 'Convention on 
Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of 
Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed 
to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have 
Indiscriminate Effects' (entered into force in 
December 1983 and is an annex to the Geneva 
Conventions 1949).   Israel signed the convention 
22 March 1995 but stated its exclusion of a 
number of provisions of the main treaty and has 
not signed the relevant protocol III dealing with 
incendiary weapons such as WP. The most notable 
exclusion of the main text was Article 7 paragraph 4 which reads:

Article 7

Treaty relations upon entry into force of this 
Convention: This Convention, and the annexed 
Protocols by which a High Contracting Party is 
bound, shall apply with respect to an armed 
conflict against that High Contracting Party of 
the type referred to in Article 1, paragraph 4, 
of Additional Protocol 1 to the Geneva Convention 
of 12 August 1949 for the Protection of War Victims:

(a) Where the High Contracting Party is also a 
party to Additional Protocol 1 and an authority 
referred to in Article 96, paragraph 3, of that 
Protocol has under-taken to apply the Geneva 
Conventions and Additional Protocol 1 in 
accord-ance with Article 96, paragraph 3, of the 
said Protocol, and undertakes to apply this 
Convention and the relevant annexed Protocols in relation to that conflict; or

(b) Where the High Contracting Party is not a 
party to Additional Protocol 1 and an authority 
of the type referred to in subparagraph (a) above 
accepts and applies the obligations of the Geneva 
Conventions and of this Convention and the 
relevant annexed Protocols in relation to that 
conflict. Such an acceptance and application 
shall have in relation to that conflict the following effects:       *

(i) The Geneva Conventions and this Convention 
and its relevant annexed Protocols are brought 
into force for the parties to the conflict with immediate effect;

(ii) The said authority assumes the same rights 
and obligations as those which have been assumed 
by a High Contracting Party to the Geneva 
Conven-tions, this Convention and its relevant annexed Protocols; and

  (iii) The Geneva Conventions, this Convention 
and its relevant annexed Protocols are equally 
binding upon all parties to the conflict.   The 
High Contracting Party and the authority may also 
agree to accept and apply the obligations of 
Additional Protocol 1 to the Geneva Conventions 
on a reciprocal basis. (Text from 
Israel's exclusions in signing: 

Protocol III of the convention sets out 
prohibitions against use of incendiary weapons 
such as WP (Israel did not sign the protocol). 
Parts Protocol III relevantb to use of WP in Gaza 
include these:   Article 1: 'Incendiary weapon' 
means any weapon or munition which is primarily 
designed to set fire to objects or to cause burn 
injury to persons through the action of flame, 
heat, or combination thereof, produced by a 
chemical reaction of a substance delivered on the 
target. ...   'Concentration of civilians' means 
any concentration of civilians, be it permanent 
or temporary, such as in inhabited parts of 
cities, or inhabited towns or villages, or as in 
camps or columns of refugees or evacuees, or groups of nomads.

Article 2. It is prohibited in all circumstances 
to make any military objective located within a 
concentration of civilians the object of attack 
by air-delivered incendiary weapons.' 

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