[News] Montreal activists blockade, serve eviction notice to Israeli Consulate

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Fri Jan 9 10:12:57 EST 2009





Montreal Activists Blockade Israeli Consulate - Serve Eviction Notice

Tadamon! - [ <http://www.tadamon.ca/>http://www.tadamon. 
<http://www.tadamon.ca/>ca/ ]

Thursday, January 8th : In protest against the ongoing Israeli siege 
on the Gaza Strip activists in Montreal have taken action at the 
Israeli Consulate in Montreal.

Serving a detailed an eviction notice to the Israeli Consulate in 
Montreal demonstrators demanded "the eviction of the Consulate of 
Israel, the expulsion of the Consular General and an immediate end to 
the Israeli assault on Gaza."

The action effectively shut down daily operations at the Israeli Consulate.

In solidarity with the 1.5 million people in Gaza demonstrators in 
Montreal are demanding an end to Israel's military assault, the 
18-month siege on the Gaza Strip and to allow humanitarian aid into 
the territory.

"Canada's lack of response to recent war crimes in Gaza speaks 
volumes about their support for Israeli apartheid," said Sophie 
Schoen, a spokesperson for the action.

Protesters are outraged at Israel's latest assault on the Palestinian 
people and by the Canadian government's refusal to condemn these 
massacres that have left 700 dead and over 3000 wounded since 
December 27, 2008.

In the past 24 hours Israeli has bombarded three U.N. schools in Gaza 
killing dozens of internally displaced refugees inside Gaza.

"We demand the Canadian government cut all ties with the apartheid 
regime of Israel," said Mostafa Henaway of Tadamon! Montreal.

The action in Montreal comes on the heels of countless protests 
worldwide against Israeli war crimes, including an occupation of the 
Israeli Consulate in Toronto by Jewish women yesterday.


DEFENDANT: Consulate of Israel in Montreal

WHEREBY the tenant of this premise is responsible for war crimes 
under the fourth Geneva Convention, including ;

* The bombing of the Islamic University in Gaza City, and other 
civilian infrastructure such as ambulances and mosques;

* The shelling of a U.N. school in the Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza, 
killing over 40 people, including many children;

* The suffocation of the people of Gaza, through an imposed 18 month 
siege, effectively cutting-off access to fuel, cooking gas, flour, 
and other basic necessities;

* The killing of over 700 people, a significant portion who are 
civilians, during their offensive entitled "Operation Cast Lead" 
which began on December 27th, 2008.

THEREFORE, we as concerned resident of Montreal demand:

* The eviction of the Consulate of Israel, the expulsion of the 
Consular General, and an immediate end to the Israeli assault on Gaza.

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