[News] 1/9 SF Friday Prayer in Support of Gaza

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jan 7 11:03:41 EST 2009

International Day of Dignity in Support of Gaza

Friday Prayer at San Francisco Civic Center on January 9, 2009, 12:00 Noon
Asslamu Alaikum

American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) invites your collective support 
to stop the aggression on our brothers and
sisters in Gaza and Palestine.

Insha'allah, on Jan. 9th, 2009, there will be an Open Juma Prayer in 
the San Francisco Civic Center, to pray and
express our solidarity with the people of Gaza.

International Day of Dignity in Support of Gaza at 12:00 noon at SF 
Civic Center. Take BART to the SF Civic
Center Station and arrive at the open Plaza in front of City Hall.

All of the mosques and all your members are urged to participate as 
time is critical and we do need to show a
solid base of support.

Jazakum Allahu khairan and may Allah grant our brothers and sisters 
success in the hereafter and in this world.

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