[News] Urgent: Direct Action in Solidarity with Gaza, Monday.

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Jan 4 15:30:29 EST 2009

*Please post widely, sorry for repeat e-mails

Direct Action in Solidarity with Gaza

Monday, January 5th, 8AM
Market and Montgomery, outside Sen. Diane Feinstein's office*
Mass Mobilization
Rain or Shine

Gaza Action, a coalition of Arab, Muslim, Jewish, and allied anti-occupation
groups, is organizing a response to the ground invasion of Gaza.  We invite
your organization to co-sponsor and to attend the mass mobilization planned
for Monday.

In the last week Israel has shown the brutality of its illegal war against
the people of Palestine.  And we have witnessed the US government's
unwavering support for these crimes.  It is up to us to stop them.  By
targeting business a usual in San Francisco we up the social cost war-makers
must consider when planning these assaults. By targeting the Congressional
leadership based in San Francisco we send a clear message: "End US support
for Israel. Stop the $3 billion in yearly military aid to Israel. End the
assault, end the siege, and end the occupation."

For more information go to

or email
gazaaction at gmail.com

if you're affinity group would like to co-ordinate actions email
dasw.media at gmail.com

Gaza Action is: Arab Resource and Organizing Center, Al-Awda, Free Palestine
Alliance, Arab American Union Members Council, American Muslims for
Palestine, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the ANSWER Coalition,
Direct Action to Stop the War, Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism, Women
in Black, International Action Center. International Socialist Organization

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*Please post widely, sorry for repeat e-mails

Direct Action in Solidarity with Gaza

Monday, January 5th, 8AM
Market and Montgomery, outside Sen. Diane Feinstein's office*
Mass Mobilization
Rain or Shine

Gaza Action, a coalition of Arab, Muslim, Jewish, and allied anti-occupation
groups, is organizing a response to the ground invasion of Gaza.  We invite
your organization to co-sponsor and to attend the mass mobilization planned
for Monday.

In the last week Israel has shown the brutality of its illegal war against
the people of Palestine.  And we have witnessed the US government's
unwavering support for these crimes.  It is up to us to stop them.  By
targeting business a usual in San Francisco we up the social cost war-makers
must consider when planning these assaults. By targeting the Congressional
leadership based in San Francisco we send a clear message: "End US support
for Israel. Stop the $3 billion in yearly military aid to Israel. End the
assault, end the siege, and end the occupation."

For more information go to

or email
gazaaction at gmail.com

if you're affinity group would like to co-ordinate actions email
dasw.media at gmail.com

Gaza Action is: Arab Resource and Organizing Center, Al-Awda, Free Palestine
Alliance, Arab American Union Members Council, American Muslims for
Palestine, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, the ANSWER Coalition,
Direct Action to Stop the War, Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism, Women
in Black, International Action Center. International Socialist Organization
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