[News] March 1st Berkeley event to commemorate 5th anniversary of the coup in Haiti

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Mon Feb 23 13:00:03 EST 2009

March 1st event to commemorate 5th anniversary of the coup in Haiti

Haiti - 5 Years After the Coup

March 1st, 7PM, La Pena, Berkeley  $10-25 No one turned away

Culture: Phavia Kujichagulia and Troublemakers' Union

Featured Speakers:  Pierre Labossiere and Nia Imara

With: Nadeen Elshorafa, AROC, Update on Gaza

This event commemorates the fifth anniversary of the February 29, 
2004 coup d'etat when the US, France and Canada overthrew Haiti's 
democratic President Aristide and violently reversed Fanmi Lavalas' 
ambitious and progressive social agenda. In its place, neo-liberal 
policies and privatization which benefit western powers and Haiti's 
elite have been restored. Popular resistance to these austerity 
measures are met with the military might of the United Nations 
occupation forces, MINUSTAH.

Ten thousand Haitians died, as many as 8,000 were raped, and others 
were forced into exile. Many Lavalas supporters and activists remain 
in prison. Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, a leading Lavalas human rights 
activist, remains unaccounted for after being kidnapped and 
disappeared in August 2007.

Now the full shameful weight of US/elite hegemony and globalization 
comes to bear as, 5 years after the coup, millions of Haitians endure 
starvation, illiteracy, unemployment, rising prices and natural 
disasters, while paying $1 million a week in debt service to the IMF.

Just as the brave Palestinian people living in occupied Gaza and the 
West Bank endure collective punishment from US-backed Israel for 
daring to exist, so do Haiti's determined people continue to survive 
and resist under US/UN occupation, the realization of their dreams of 
democracy deferred.

Join Haiti Action Committee to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the 
coup, to hear an update on the current situation, and to raise our 
voices to demand the return of President Aristide, freedom for 
Haiti's political prisoners, and accountability for the kidnapping of 
Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine.

  The evening will celebrate the ongoing resistance of Haiti's 
people, and all who struggle for true democracy, human rights and 
peace. <http://www.haitisolidarity.net/article.php?id=40>We will not 
forget the achievements of Lavalas!

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