[News] The New York Crimes: All The Lies That Fit to Print

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Wed Dec 30 11:08:11 EST 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009


New York Crimes: 
The Lies That Fit to Print

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human 
stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
- Albert Einstein
"The age of military attacks is over, now we've 
reached the time for dialogue and understanding. 
Weapons and threats are a thing of the 
past...even for mentally challenged people."
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, 

The American political, academic, and media 
establishment has long been 
with Iran and, as the author of New York Times' 
encouraging the US bombing of that country, 
University of Texas professor Alan J. Kuperman 
has now emerged as the Keith Moon of sensational 
jingoism and, considering his concept of reality, 
morality, and legality, is probably twice as crazy.

Kuperman, in a piece published on December 23rd 
and titled "There’s Only One Way to Stop Iran", 
stridently advocates for an immediate, 
unilateral, unprovoked and devastating aerial 
assault on Iran's nuclear facilities. He writes,
"Since peaceful carrots and sticks cannot work 
[with Iran], and an invasion would be foolhardy, 
the United States faces a stark choice: military 
air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities or 
acquiescence to Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons."

Apparently, Mr. Kuperman's "one way" is a 
premeditated act of war, a preemptive attack on a 
sovereign nation that has not threatened nor 
invaded any country in over two and half 
centuries. The "stark" choices that Mr. Kuperman 
proposes do not include the obvious legal answer: 
for US policy to abide by international law and 
ratified treaties guaranteeing the right of Iran 
to a peaceful nuclear energy program and 
therefore cease threatening Iran with homicidal military action.

Though Mr. Kuperman claims to believe that 
"negotiation to prevent nuclear proliferation is 
always preferable to military action," he 
immediately turns around to state, "We have 
reached the point where air strikes are the only 
plausible option with any prospect of preventing 
Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons." He 
concludes with the dire warning that "Postponing 
military action merely provides Iran a window to 
expand, disperse and harden its nuclear 
facilities against attack. The sooner the United 
States takes action, the better."

Mr. Kuperman even believes that "Iran's atomic 
sites might need to be bombed more than once to 
persuade Tehran to abandon its pursuit of nuclear 
weapons." His suggestions not only defy all basic 
logic and reason, but, more perversely, 
demonstrate his utter contempt for global 
jurisprudence, basic facts, and human life.

Despite being a highly educated scholar, Mr. 
Kuperman, who has a Ph.D. in political science 
from MIT, reveals a stunning lack of historical 
knowledge, a general disinterest in providing any 
sort of supporting evidence or documentation for 
his baffling assumptions, and a bewildering 
inability to discern truth from propaganda, all 
of which, unfortunately, inform his outrageous 
conclusions. In fact, there are so many 
unsubstantiated claims and outright lies packed 
into the relatively short article, it's an 
absolute wonder that The New York Times chose to 
print it. Has the 
Lady laid off all its fact-checkers?

Then again, it should probably come as no 
surprise that the "newspaper of record" has no 
qualms about printing 
masked as truth, as seen with the 
build-up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq just seven years ago.

First of all, Kuperman's constant 
of Iran's wholly legal energy program as an 
<http://tinyurl.com/6qmtzj>covert effort to 
bomb stands in stark contrast to all available 
information provided and accepted by both the 
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which 
monitors Iran's nuclear program, and the 
intelligence community of the United States, 
which spies on Iran's nuclear program. The IAEA 
has repeatedly 
through intensive, round-the-clock monitoring and 
inspection of Iran's nuclear facilities - 
including numerous surprise visits to Iranian 
enrichment plants - that all of Iran's 
centrifuges operate under IAEA safeguards and 
"continue to be operated as declared."

In an 
report from as far back as November 2003, the 
agency states that "to date, there is no evidence 
that the previously undeclared nuclear material 
and activities referred to above were related to 
a nuclear weapons programme." Then, after 
extensive inspections of Iran's nuclear 
facilities, the IAEA again concluded in its 
2004 report that "all the declared nuclear 
material in Iran has been accounted for, and 
therefore such material is not diverted to prohibited activities."

In May 2008, the IAEA reported that it had found 
"no indication" that Iran has or ever did have a 
nuclear weapons program and affirmed that "The 
Agency has been able to continue to verify the 
non-diversion of declared nuclear material [to 
weaponization] in Iran." Earlier this year, IAEA 
spokesperson Melissa Fleming even issued a 
statement clarifying the IAEA's position 
regarding the 
in the US and European press 
that Iran had enriched enough uranium "to build a 
nuclear bomb." The 
among other things, declared that "No nuclear 
material could have been removed from the 
[Nantanz] facility without the Agency's knowledge 
since the facility is subject to video 
surveillance and the nuclear material has been kept under seal."

This assessment was reaffirmed as recently as 
September 2009, in response to various media 
reports over the past few years claiming that 
Iran's intent to build a nuclear bomb can be 
proven by information provided from a 
stolen laptop and a dubious, undated - and most 
document. The IAEA 
"With respect to a recent media report, the IAEA 
reiterates that it has no concrete proof that 
there is or has been a nuclear weapon programme in Iran."

Both the out-going and in-coming 
Director-Generals of the IAEA, 
ElBaradei and 
Amano, respectively, have stated that there is 
evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons program.

Even the United States' National Intelligence 
Estimate (NIE), which aggregates classified 
information from 16 American intelligence and 
security agencies, 
in a formal evaluation of Iran's "Nuclear 
Intentions and Capabilities" in November 2007 
that Iran had no active nuclear weapons program. 
A recent Newsweek 
<http://www.newsweek.com/id/215529>report, from 
September 16, 2009, indicates that, despite what 
is constantly repeated by administration 
officials and warmongers like Mr. Kuperman, the 
NIE stands by its 2007 assessment and that "U.S. 
intelligence agencies have informed policymakers 
at the White House and other agencies that the 
status of Iranian work on development and 
production of a nuclear bomb has not changed."

Jeremy R. Hammond of Foreign Policy Journal 
out the "important difference between the U.S. 
intelligence community’s and the IAEA’s 
assessments," continuing, "According to the 2007 
NIE, Iran had a nuclear weapons program until 
2003. According to the IAEA - the international 
nuclear watchdog agency actively monitoring 
Iran’s program and conducting inspections in the 
country - there is no proof Iran ever had a nuclear weapons program."

Nevertheless, in a mere 1492 words, Mr. Kuperman 
refers to, what he terms, Iran's "bomb program" 
eight times and makes ten additional references 
to Iran's so-called pursuit of a nuclear weapon 
arsenal, nuclear weapons techniques, 
weapons-grade enrichment, and weapons 
trafficking. One can only assume, then, that he 
has information that neither the IAEA inspectors 
nor the United States government has yet to uncover and examine.

Perhaps, devoid of any actual evidence, Kuperman 
simply takes as a matter of faith that the 
Iranian government is intent on and committed to 
acquiring nuclear weapons. Maybe he's just 
worried about supposed apocalyptic ideologies of 
modern governments which blend theocracy and 
republicanism and agrees with 
Benjamin Netanyahu, who warned during his 
September 24 
at the UN, in what may have been the single most 
ironic and self-unaware statement since "Let them 
eat cake", that "the greatest threat facing the 
world today is the marriage between religious 
fanaticism and the weapons of mass destruction." 
This amazing statement came from the designated 
(not elected) Prime Minister of a self-described 
"Jewish State" which currently has 
of 400 nuclear warheads yet has never signed the 
NPT and is therefore not subject to inspection and monitoring.

But if faith really is a consideration, due to 
the fact that Iran is a deeply religious society 
and a constitutionally mandated Islamic Republic, 
perhaps Mr. Kuperman should be aware that, on 
August 10, 2005, Iranian nuclear negotiator Sirus 
Naseri informed an emergency meeting of the IAEA 
Board of Governors that a religious decree 
unconditionally prohibiting the acquisition of 
nuclear weapons was in effect. He 
"The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has issued the fatwa that 
the production, stockpiling, and use of nuclear 
weapons are forbidden under Islam and that the 
Islamic Republic of Iran shall never acquire 
these weapons. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who 
took office just recently, in his inaugural 
address reiterated that his government is against 
weapons of mass destruction and will only pursue 
nuclear activities in the peaceful domain.

The leadership of Iran has pledged at the highest 
level that Iran will remain a non-nuclear-weapon 
state party to the NPT and has placed the entire 
scope of its nuclear activities under IAEA 
safeguards and Additional Protocol, in addition 
to undertaking voluntary transparency measures 
with the agency that have even gone beyond the 
requirements of the agency's safeguard system."

Furthermore, Congressional foreign policy advisor 
Gregory Aftandilian, speaking at a Center for 
National Policy event titled “A Nuclear Middle 
East” in October 2008, 
rationally that Iran is "not stupid" and "has a 
long history, thousands of years, of statecraft
Tehran is not suicidal."

Even more to the point, the government and 
military of Iran has a strict 
first strike" policy, something that countries 
like the United States and Israel obviously don't 
have. Iranian government and military officials 
stated that they will act in self-defense only if 
their country is attacked and have never issued 
threats about initiating aggression against 
another nation. As General Hoseyn Salami, 
commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Air 
on an Iranian news program on September 28, 2009, 
"As long as our enemies act within a political 
domain, our behavior will be completely 
political. However, if they want to leave the 
domain of political action and enter the domain 
of military threat, then our action will be exactly and completely military."

Whereas Iran operates legally with defensive 
consideration for its own security in the face of 
rhetoric and 
posturing from both 
Aviv, Mr. Kuperman's advice to the US government 
directly contravenes international law. In fact, 
even the threat of attack is prohibited by the 
of the United Nations, which states, "All Members 
shall refrain in their international relations 
from the threat or use of force against the 
territorial integrity or political independence 
of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent 
with the Purposes of the United Nations." (Article 2, paragraph 4)

In July 1946, Robert Jackson, the chief US 
prosecutor at Nuremburg after World War II, 
stated in his 
Argument of the Trial of the Major War Criminals 
before the International Military Tribunal that 
of all Nazi war crimes, including invasion, 
occupation, mass displacement, concentration and 
extermination camps, ethnic cleansing, and 
genocide, "the central crime in this pattern of 
crimes, the kingpin which holds them all 
together, is the plot for aggressive wars."

When the 
of the IMT was delivered a few months later, it 
maintained that "To initiate a war of 
aggression...is not only an international crime; 
it is the supreme international crime, differing 
only from other war crimes in that it contains 
within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."

The Nuremburg judgment had a profound influence 
on subsequent international law; its findings and 
conclusions served as the framework for UN 
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of 
the Crime of Genocide (1948), The Universal 
Declaration of Human Rights (1948), The Geneva 
Convention on the Laws and Customs of War (1949) 
and its additional protocols (1977), The 
Nuremberg Principles (1950), The Convention on 
the Abolition of the Statute of Limitations on 
War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity (1968), 
and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998).

Considering Mr. Kuperman has a Masters degree in 
international relations and international 
economics from the Bologna-based Johns Hopkins 
University School of Advanced International 
Studies, one might assume he would have a strong 
grasp on these governing principles of 
international law. Alas, as his policy 
suggestions seem based upon myriad 
misunderstandings of simple information and are 
tantamount to the supreme war crime of 
aggression, it appears that his higher education 
is not the only thing about Kuperman that's bologna based.

Kuperman begins his OpEd by declaring that the 
recent draft agreement proposed by the five 
permanent members of the United Nations Security 
Council (all of them nuclear weapons states) and 
Germany (which engages in 
sharing" with the United States, 
as a 
of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty itself) 
was defective from the outset and would have 
aided Iran on, as Kuperman would have us believe, 
its nefarious quest to build nuclear bombs. He 
that the proposal, which called for roughly 70% 
of Iran's accumulated low-enriched uranium to be 
sent to Russia and France for further processing 
before it was returned (sometime in the future) 
for use in a medical reactor core in Tehran, 
would have "rewarded [Iran] with much-coveted 
reactor fuel despite violating international law" 
and "fostered proliferation" because "the vast 
surplus of higher-enriched fuel Iran was to get 
under the deal would have permitted some to be diverted to its bomb program."

The Western proposal was met with considerable 
and understandable skepticism from all segments 
of Iranian establishment who see the offer as 
being a way to permanently stop Iran's enrichment 
capabilities, which are legally guaranteed by the 
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to which Iran 
has been a 
for over 40 years. Iran's Speaker of Parliament 
Ali Larijani 
on October 24 that "Westerners are insisting to 
go in a direction that suggests cheating." Iran's 
head-of-state Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, 
speaking on November 4, also cautioned against 
the deal, 
"When we carefully look at the situation, we 
notice that [the United States and its allies] 
are hiding a dagger behind their back."

Even Mir Hossein Mousavi, presidential challenger 
and leader of the current opposition movement, 
criticized the proposal in late October when he 
declared, "If the promises given [to the West] 
are realized, then the hard work of thousands of 
scientists would be ruined." Mehdi Karroubi, 
another opposition leader and presidential 
Ahmadinejad's administration of 
national interests by negotiating with the IAEA.

Nevertheless, Time reported that "President 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 
on October 29 that 'conditions have been prepared 
for international cooperation in the nuclear 
field' and his administration is 'ready to 
cooperate.'" Furthermore, Iran's nuclear 
Jalili, Armed Forces chief of staff 
Hassan Firouzabadi, and Iran's representative to 
the IAEA, 
Asghar Soltanieh all expressed a desire to use 
diplomatic efforts to find a reasonable and 
suitable solution to the current standoff.

In early December, Iran’s Foreign Minister 
Manouchehr Mottaki 
that Iran was "willing to exchange most of its 
uranium for processed nuclear fuel from abroad" 
in a phased transfer of material with 
guarantees that the West "will not backtrack an 
exchange deal." Mr. Mottaki proposed that Iran 
would agree to initially hand over 25% of its 
uranium in a simultaneous exchange for an 
equivalent amount of enriched material in order 
to fuel the medical research reactor. The 
remainder of the uranium would be traded over "several years."

In response, The New York Times 
that this proposed timetable was immediately 
rejected by Western powers. The US 
government-sponsored Voice of America 
an unidentified senior US official as claiming 
that the Iranian counter-proposal inconsistent 
with the "fair and balanced" draft agreement. 
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has 
threatened to "totally obliterate" Iran, 
Iran to "accept the agreement as proposed because we are not altering it."

Apparently, the US government is unaware of what 
a "draft agreement" is. By definition, it is a 
proposal - a "draft" - not a final, binding 
accord. It is a primary piece of negotiation that 
can and should be revised by all parties until a 
mutually beneficial agreement is reached. The 
West appears to only accept its own offers and 
dismisses any other suggestions. This is not 
diplomacy, this is no "outstretched hand." This 
is, quite simply, an illegal and imperial 
ultimatum dictated to the sovereign nation of 
Iran by historically aggressive, colonial powers.

As The New York Times 
"Mr. Mottaki also suggested that the Western news 
media had helped torpedo the October agreement by 
framing it in hostile terms that confirmed Iran’s 
fears of losing its nuclear supplies.

'We said we are in agreement on the principles of 
the proposal, but suddenly the Western media 
announced that 1,200 kilograms of uranium would 
be leaving Iran to delay the construction of a 
nuclear bomb,' Mr. Mottaki said, according to 
Iran’s semiofficial Mehr news agency. 'Is this 
the answer to Iran’s confidence-building?

Still, Mr. Kuperman mischaracterizes Iran's 
supposed acceptance-then-rejection of the absurd 
Western proposition. "President Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad initially embraced the deal because 
he realized it aided Iran's bomb program," he 
writes, and then claims that "under such domestic 
pressure, Mr. Ahmadinejad reneged."

Mr. Kuperman declares that "Tehran’s rejection of 
the deal was likewise propelled by domestic 
politics - including last June's fraudulent 
elections and longstanding fears of Western 
manipulation." Not only does this statement 
simply assume that the reelection of President 
Ahmadinejad was stolen and illegitimate 
tired narrative devoid of any substantiated 
evidence), he dismisses 
involvement - namely that of the US - in Iranian 
affairs by employing the word "fears" rather than "facts."

Perhaps Mr. Kuperman is unaware that in 2007, ABC 
that George W. Bush had signed a secret 
"Presidential finding" authorizing the CIA to 
"mount a covert 'black' operation to destabilize 
the Iranian government." These operations, 
according to current and former intelligence 
officials, included "a coordinated campaign of 
propaganda broadcasts, placement of negative 
newspaper articles, and the manipulation of 
Iran's currency and international banking 
transactions." The Sunday Telegraph corroborated 
this information when it 
"Mr. Bush has signed an official document 
endorsing CIA plans for a propaganda and 
disinformation campaign intended to destabilize, 
and eventually topple, the theocratic rule of the mullahs."

It is also well-known that, a year later, the 
Bush administration was granted $400 million with 
which to further destabilize Iran via, as the 
Washington Post 
at the time "activities ranging from spying on 
Iran’s nuclear program to supporting rebel groups 
opposed to the country’s ruling clerics
" The 
groups supported by such funding and training 
include, according to both 
Andrew Cockburn and the 
Yorker's Seymour Hersh, the militant Sunni group 
or "army of god," and the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK 
or PMOI), which maintains an "enduring position 
on the State Department's list of terrorist groups."

Although Washington officially denies 
involvement, the Sunday Telegraph 
that funding for Jundallah's "separatist causes 
comes directly from the CIA's classified budget 
but is now 'no great secret', according to one 
former high-ranking CIA official," whose claims 
were confirmed by former US State Department 
counter-terrorism agent Fred Barton, who said 
that Jundallah's 
activities "inside Iran fall in line with US 
efforts to supply and train Iran's ethnic 
minorities to destabilise the Iranian regime." 
Among the bombings and violent attacks for which 
Jundallah has claimed 
are the killings of nine Iranian security guards 
in 2005, another 11 in a 2007 bombing, at least 
16 Iranian police officers in a 2008 attack, and, 
most recently, the deadly bombing of a security 
gathering in southeast Iran on October 18, 2009 
which killed 35 people including several top 
regional security officials and provincial 
commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

Further, ABC News has 
that, according to Pakistani and U.S. 
intelligence officials, Jundallah is "responsible 
for a series of deadly guerrilla raids inside 
Iran" and "has been secretly encouraged and 
advised by American officials since 2005." The report continued,
"U.S. relationship with Jundullah is arranged so 
that the U.S. provides no funding to the group, 
which would require an official presidential 
order or "finding" as well as congressional 
oversight. The money for Jundullah was funneled 
to its leader, Abdelmalek Rigi, through Iranian 
exiles who have connections with European and Gulf states."

These connected Iranian exiles are members of the 
MEK, the Iranian opposition network that, in 
1981, assassinated about 70 high ranking Iranian 
officials including cabinet members, elected 
parliamentarians, and the new Chief Justice when 
it bombed state headquarters. After the Iranian 
Revolution, the group moved its headquarters to 
Iraq and was supported by Saddam Hussein during 
the eight-year Iran-Iraq War that claimed the 
lives of over a million people. The MEK also 
for informing the United States and its allies 
about Iran's supposed nuclear weapons program, 
for which no verifiable evidence has ever been found.

On December 15, 2009, Texas Representative Sheila 
Congress regarding that fate of MEK exiles 
currently living in 
Ashraf in Iraq. The Congresswoman pleaded for the 
Obama administration to "save" the "Iranian 
dissidents [who] are now huddled [at Camp 
Ashraf], fearful for their lives." She claimed 
that the 
government, which is now tasked with guarding the 
camp after US forces recently handed over 
control, had put the exiles "at risk of arbitrary 
arrest, torture or other forms of ill treatment 
and unlawful killing," and described the MEK - 
which, again, is designated as a terrorist group 
by the US State Department - as "dissidents who 
simply want to live in peace and alone." 
Apparently, Ms. Jackson-Lee saw nothing wrong 
with begging the United States to support 
terrorists, as long as those terrorists have the 
goal of toppling the Iranian government.

Plus, just last week, Iranian Intelligence 
that a number of MEK members have been arrested 
for violent activity and destruction of public 
and private property at recent anti-government protests in Tehran.

American involvement, both overt and covert, in 
Iranian affairs is beyond doubt, thereby making 
Mr. Kuperman's blow-off of Iran's "fears of 
Western manipulation" completely absurd.

In a June 24, 2009 
on Al Jazeera reporter Josh Rushing asked former 
National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft if the 
US has "intelligence operatives on the ground in 
Iran," to which Scowcroft simply replies, "Of course we do."

The very next day, USA Today 
that "the Obama administration is moving forward 
with plans to fund groups that support Iranian 
dissidents" via the US Agency for International 
Development (USAID) program which has long been 
known as a cover for the US government to fund 
regime change operations in various parts of the world.

A few days later, during a June 28 CNN 
with Robert Baer, Fareed Zakaria asked the 
retired 21 year CIA veteran and former Middle 
East undercover operative, "Isn’t it true that we 
do [try to destabilize the regime]? Don’t we fund 
various groups inside and outside Iran that do 
try to destabilize the government?" Baer 
answered, "Oh absolutely," adding, "There is a 
covert action program against Iran where the 
[U.S.] military is running; a covert action 
against Iran from Iraq and Afghanistan."

One month later, on July 26, Mr. Zakaria 
Mohammad Marandi, a North America studies 
professor and political analyst at the University 
of Tehran. Mr. Marandi 
that "Right now you have almost 40 television 
channels in Persian being broadcast into Iran 
from the United States and Europe - basically 
funded by the American government and European 
governments, or in some cases owned - which have 
played a very negative role over the past few 
weeks, turning people against one another... in 
many cases, they call for riots, and they call 
for violence." Mr. Zakaria, for unknown reasons, 
took it upon himself to deny these 

The veracity of such claims was confirmed a 
couple of weeks later, on August 9, when 
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 
"Now, behind the scenes, we were doing a lot," 
Clinton said. "We were doing a lot to really 
empower the protesters without getting in the 
way. And we're continuing to speak out and support the opposition."

Even John Limbert, embassy 
Assistant Secretary for the Near East at the US 
State Department, chimed in during a December 10, 
2009 interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour. He 
that the United States government "will not sit 
silently" and "will not ignore what happens on 
the streets of Tehran," continuing that, "we 
believe, as we have always believed, that the 
Iranian people deserve decent treatment from their government."

This is a truly amazing thing for a US official 
to say, especially one who worked in Tehran 
during the 
Revolution thirty years ago. At that time, the 
United States government supported, both vocally 
and materially, the brutal dictatorship of the 
Shah of Iran, 
to as "an island of stability" by President 
Carter in 1977. Under the Shah's tyrannical rule, 
article from January 7, 1980, tells us, "Dissent 
was ruthlessly suppressed, in part by the use of 
torture in the dungeons of 
and Israeli-trained] secret police."

Furthermore, the Time 
"The depth of its commitment to the Shah 
apparently blinded Washington to the growing 
discontent. U.S. policymakers wanted to believe 
that their investment was buying stability and 
friendship; they trusted what they heard from the 
monarch, who dismissed all opposition as 'the 
blah-blahs of armchair critics.' Even after the 
revolution began, U.S. officials were convinced 
is no alternative to the Shah.' Carter took time 
out from the Camp David summit in September 1978 
to phone the Iranian monarch and assure him of 
Washington's continued support." [emphasis mine]

Limbert, of all people, should know better than 
to claim that the US government cares about the 
rights and desires of the Iranian people. What it 
really cares about, and has always cared about, 
is fueling protests of anti-imperial governments 
and bolstering opposition to administrations that 
repel American hegemony, hubris, and dominance.

It may also be interesting to note that, whereas 
Department of Defense considers "protests" to be 
a type of 
terrorist activity," according to one of its 
training manuals, State Department official 
Limbert takes great pride in 
the "brave people of Iran...who are going out on 
the street and demonstrating." One wonders if he 
also salutes 
protesters here in the United States.

But this is all just the tip of Mr. Kuperman's 
iceberg of deliberate disinformation.

Insisting multiple times during his piece that 
Iran is "violating international law" by not 
responding to UN Security Council resolutions 
calling for an immediate halt to its enrichment 
program, Mr. Kuperman again demonstrates his own 
lack of awareness of the fundamental principles 
of jus cogens, or peremptory norm, as it applies 
to the authority of UNSC resolutions and the NPT 
agreement. Again, this is surprising due to Mr. 
Kuperman's current role as director of the 
Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Program at the 
University of Texas at Austin and his former 
stint as Senior Policy Analyst for the 
nongovernmental Nuclear Control Institute.

Mr. Kuperman might want to review the tenets of 
Non-Proliferation Treaty first. Article IV of the treaty states:
1. Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as 
affecting the inalienable right of all the 
Parties to the Treaty to develop, research, 
production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful 
purposes without discrimination and in conformity 
with Articles I and II of this Treaty [which 
prohibit the transfer or acquisition of nuclear weapons].

2. All the Parties to the Treaty undertake to 
facilitate, and have the right to participate in 
the fullest possible exchange of equipment, 
materials and scientific and technological 
information for the peaceful uses of nuclear 
energy. Parties to the Treaty in a position to do 
so shall also co-operate in contributing alone or 
together with other States or international 
organizations to the further development of the 
applications of nuclear energy for peaceful 
purposes, especially in the territories of 
non-nuclear-weapon States Party to the Treaty, 
with due consideration for the needs of the 
developing areas of the world. [emphasis mine]

As neither the IAEA nor the US intelligence 
community has found any evidence of an Iranian 
nuclear weapons program, Iran not only has the 
legal right to develop and produce peaceful 
nuclear energy on its own soil, but it has the 
inalienable right to do so, under the terms of 
the NPT. Under these terms, no one and nothing - 
government, agency, council, resolution, draft 
agreement - can infringe upon Iran's right to 
operate power plants and enrich uranium for a civilian nuclear program.

Therefore, any resolutions calling for Iran's 
inalienable right to be relinquished are, in and 
of themselves, wholly illegal. Paranoid 
suspicions, demonizing propaganda, and 
allegations without evidence are totally 
insufficient to demonstrate 
violations of the NPT by the Iran government.

Cyrus Safardi of IranAffairs, in addition to 
supplying supporting documentation from the UN's 
Law Commission and the British Institute of 
International and Comparative Law, 

Article 103 of the UN Charter says that UNSC 
resolutions trump obligations under international 
treaties such as the NPT. However, Article 103 
does not apply to sovereign rights and jus 
cogens. It is a general and well-recognized 
principle of international law that UNSC 
resolutions that are contrary to jus cogens are ultra vires and NOT binding."

With this in mind, it is clear that all UNSC 
resolutions that 
Iran suspend enrichment and close its intrusively 
monitored and meticulously inspected nuclear 
facilities - UNSC resolutions 1696 (2006), 1737 
(2006), 1747 (2007), and 1803 (2008) - are 
contradictory, illegal and consequently non-binding.

Furthermore, Safardi 
that "Iran's safeguard agreement with the IAEA, 
and the IAEA statutes, only permit a referral to 
the UNSC when there has been a diversion of 
fissile material for non-peaceful use." Since the 
IAEA had previously confirmed that there had been 
no such diversion and without any evidence of a 
nuclear weapons program, its referral of the 
Iranian nuclear dossier to the UN Security 
Council was, as 
<http://www.campaigniran.org/>CASMII founder 
Abbas Edalat points out, 
motivated and illegitimate." Edalat continues,
"On February 15th [2007], Stephen Rademaker, the 
former US Assistant Secretary for International 
Security and Non-proliferation confessed that the 
two crucial votes by India against Iran in the 
Governors’ Board of the IAEA which led to Iran’s 
referral to the Security Council were indeed the 
result of US coercion. Incidentally India, like 
the other US allies Pakistan and Israel, is not a 
signatory to the NPT and has developed nuclear 
bombs which is tolerated and supported by the US.

Because the IAEA's referral of Iran's file to the 
UNSC was 
and because the UNSC resolutions are themselves 
Iran has no reason to abide by them and is 
therefore under no obligation to halt its nuclear 
program, as Mr. Kuperman keeps insisting.

In fact, the United States is currently in 
of the NPT itself, insofar as "the US has refused 
to negotiate for complete disarmament and 
verification per treaty terms and 
plans to use nuclear weapons, including 
first-strike use against 'enemies' who may only 
become threats in the future," according to Carl 
Herman of the 

Even though Mr. Kuperman deems violations of 
international law cause enough to justify 
military campaigns, he doesn't seem to mind 
Israel's constant trespasses and consistent 
ignoring of 
Council <http://www.jatonyc.org/UNresolutions.html>resolutions since 1967.

Continuing, Mr. Kuperman declares that "while 
Iran permits international inspections at its 
declared enrichment plant at Natanz, it ignores 
United Nations demands that it close the plant, 
where it gains the expertise needed to produce 
weapons-grade uranium at other secret facilities 
like the nascent one recently uncovered near Qom."

Isn't everything "secret" until it's announced? 
What Mr. Kuperman probably knows, but refuses to 
say since it would weaken his argument for 
illegally bombing another country and willfully 
murdering innocent people, is that the new Fordo 
nuclear facility was actually 
to the IAEA by Iran itself, in advance of the 
panicky press conference held on September 25 by 
President Obama, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown 
of Britain and French President Nicholas Sarkozy. 
"I can confirm that on 21 September, Iran 
informed the IAEA in a letter that a new pilot 
fuel enrichment plant is under construction in 
the country," IAEA spokesman Marc Vidricaire 

Under its current 
agreement with the Agency, Iran is not obligated 
to inform the IAEA of any new facilities until 
six months before the introduction of nuclear 
material to the site. Since the Fordo enrichment 
plant is not yet operational, and won't be for 
another 18 months, Iran has broken no rules. In 
fact, the site was announced a full year before 
it needed to be. As Ali-Akbar Salehi, Iran's 
nuclear chief, remarked, "This installation is 
not a secret one, which is why we announced its existence to the IAEA."

Ahmadinejad even pointed out that the agreements 
and guidelines between Iran and the IAEA do not 
require approval by the United States. "We have 
no secrecy, we work within the framework of the 
IAEA," he 
"This does not mean we must inform Mr Obama’s 
Administration of every facility that we have."

That Mr. Kuperman would claim the Fordo site near 
Qom was "secret" is unsurprising, considering the 
same constant refrain in media outlets like the 
New York Times. What is interesting is his 
allegation that the facility allows Iran to 
acquire knowledge about producing nuclear weapons 
is especially bizarre considering that, after 
inspectors surveyed the new plant, IAEA 
Director-General ElBaradei 
that the agency's monitors found "nothing to be 
worried about," continuing, "It's a hole in a mountain."

"The idea was to use it as a bunker under the 
mountain to protect things," ElBaradei said. Due 
to the constant threats by the US and Israel to 
bomb Iran, especially by arm-chair warriors like 
Mr. Kuperman, it should come as no surprise that 
the Iranian government might be interested in 
their scientific facilities and technological 
progress from such attacks. In fact, not doing so would be irresponsible.

Without providing even a shred of evidence, Mr. 
Kuperman states that "Iran supplies Islamist 
terrorist groups in violation of international 
embargoes." He is obviously referring to Hamas 
and Hezbollah, two democratically-elected 
resistance groups, which are consistently 
demonized in the Western press for being opposed 
to Israeli settler-colonialism, illegal and 
oppressive occupation, and American military 
imperialism. What is left out, of course, is that 
the US-supported Israeli siege of Gaza is itself 
"illegal" and displays "profound inhumanity," 
according to 
Ging, Gaza's director of operations for the 
refugee agency UNRWA. Furthermore, according to 
the Policy Declaration of the new Government of 
the Republic of Lebanon, issued on November 26, 2009,
“It is the right of the Lebanese people, Army and 
the [Hezbollah led-]Resistance to liberate the 
Shebaa Farms, the Kfar Shuba Hills and the 
northern part of the village of Ghajar as well as 
to defend Lebanon and its territorial waters in 
the face of any enemy by all available and legal means.”

As a result, Lebanon expert Franklin Lamb 
"Legally, constitutionally, and politically, 
Lebanon’s new National Unity Government policy 
legitimizes, embraces, and incorporates by 
reference, according to some Pentagon and State 
Department analysts, the National Lebanese 
Resistance," and affirms that Hezbollah and the 
State of Lebanon are "inseparable and indivisible 
with respect to defending this country from 
foreign interference and occupation. It affixes 
the Governmental imprimatur for liberating 
Lebanese lands still occupied by Israeli forces." Lamb continues,
"According to some international lawyers, it also 
fulfills UN Security Council Resolution 1559 
regarding disarming militias because Lebanon has 
in effect declared that the arms of the Hezbollah 
led Resistance are part of the defense of Lebanon 
itself and not a particular movement or political 
party. This Policy statement satisfies UNSCR 1701 for the same reason."

Mr. Kuperman also does not address how American 
funding of the Israeli occupation and 
support for its frequent invasions, 
crimes violate numerous 
statutes including the Arms Export Control Act 
(P.L.80-829) which states that exported weaponry 
must be relegated to "internal security” and 
“legitimate self-defense” only, the Foreign 
Assistance Act (P.L.97-195) which holds that “No 
assistance may be provided
to the government of 
any country which engages in a consistent pattern 
of gross violations of internationally recognized 
human rights,” and the Foreign Ops Appropriations 
Act's "Leahy Law" which demands that no aid be 
provided to "any unit of the security forces of a 
foreign country if the Secretary of State has 
credible evidence that such unit has committed 
gross violations of human rights." One look at 
the UN 
Report proves that the United States has 
consistently violated its own legislation with 
regard to Israel, as well as numerous 
international laws. For example, the US is 
violating the 
Weapons Convention (CWC), which the US claims it 
fulfill until 2023, even though the convention 
requires the elimination of these weapons by 2012 
(already an extension from 2007). Also, Obama has 
inspection protocol for 
biological weapons despite his stated dedication 
to strengthen the 
Weapons Convention (BWC) and has 
to ratify the international antipersonnel 
landmine ban, despite being lauded by the Nobel 
Peace Prize committee for his commitment to 
"disarmament and arms control negotiations."

In his New York Times piece, Mr. Kuperman warns 
that "If Iran acquired a nuclear arsenal, the 
risks would simply be too great that it could 
become a neighborhood bully." Clearly, the 
argument assumes, only the United States and 
Israel should be allowed to bully Middle Eastern 
countries with their own nuclear arsenals, 
invasions, occupations, and international impunity.

He then goes on to state that "history suggests 
that military strikes could work," claiming that 
"Israel's 1981 attack on the nearly finished 
Osirak reactor prevented Iraq's rapid acquisition 
of a plutonium-based nuclear weapon and compelled 
it to pursue a more gradual, uranium-based bomb program."

This is a dubious conclusion to draw based on the 
fact that the Iraqi nuclear program before 1981 
under intensive safeguards and monitoring, and 
that the Osirak reactor was, as Harvard physics 
professor Richard Wilson has 
"explicitly designed by the French engineer Yves 
Girard to be unsuitable for making bombs. That 
was obvious to me on my 1982 visit."

What Mr. Kuperman also omits is that the Israeli 
attack, code named Operation Opera, took the 
lives of ten Iraqi soldiers and one French 
civilian researcher and was widely lambasted by 
the international community, prompting a UN 
General Assembly 
(36/27) on November 13, 1981 that "strongly 
condemn[ed] Israel for its premeditated and 
unprecedented act of aggression in violation of 
the Charter of the United Nations and the norms 
of international conduct, which constitutes a new 
and dangerous escalation of the threat to international peace and security."

also reaffirmed Iraq's "inalienable sovereign 
right" to "develop technological and nuclear 
programmes for peaceful purposes" and stated 
that, not only was Iraq a party to the NPT, but 
had also "satisfactorily applied" the IAEA 
safeguards required of it. Conversely, it noted 
"with concern" that "Israel has refused to adhere 
to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear 
Weapons, and, in spite of repeated calls, 
including that of the Security Council, to place 
its nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards."

In addition to condemning "the misuse by Israel, 
in committing its acts of aggression against Arab 
countries, of aircraft and weapons supplied by 
the United States of America," the resolution 
reiterated "its call to all States to cease 
forthwith any provision to Israel of arms and 
related material of all types which enable it to 
commit acts of aggression against other States" 
and requested "the Security Council to 
investigate Israel's nuclear activities and the 
collaboration of other States and parties in 
those activities" and "institute effective 
enforcement action to prevent Israel from further 
endangering international peace and security 
through its acts of aggression and continued 
policies of expansion, occupation and annexation."

Furthermore, the General Assembly demanded that 
"Israel, in view of its international 
responsibility for its act of aggression, pay 
prompt and adequate compensation for the material 
damage and loss of life suffered" due to the illegal and lethal attack.

For Mr. Kuperman, this constituted a successful 
mission (which, considering that none of the UN's 
demands have ever been met over the past 30 
years, perhaps it was). Truth be told, this is an 
unsurprising conclusion for someone who claims 
that "the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have shown 
that the United States military can oust regimes 
in weeks if it wants to." Perhaps Mr. Kuperman doesn't get out much.

That might explain why Mr. Kuperman also claims 
that "Iran could retaliate [in response to a US 
air strike] by aiding America’s opponents in Iraq 
and Afghanistan, but it does that anyway," 
without any evidence to back up that assertion. 
Is he unaware that Iran is a longtime enemy of 
both the Taliban and Al Qaeda and enjoys 
moderately good relations with the puppet 
government in Iraq? Does he not remember that 
Iranian intelligence provided valuable 
to the US military before the invasion of 
Afghanistan in 2001? Does he not know that the 
claims that Iran supplies weapons to Iraqi 
militias and resistance fighters have been repeatedly debunked?

Take, for example, the time in 2008 when a cache 
of thousands of weapons was seized during raids 
of Mahdi Army arsenals around Karbala. Military 
spokesman Major General Kevin Bergner, when asked 
in May 2008 about the proportion of Iranian 
weapons then in the hands of Iraqi fighters, 
the standard deflection and insinuation that the 
resistance groups "could not do what they're 
doing without the support of foreign support 
[sic]" and then broadly defined such "support" as 
training, funding, and arming fighters with 
weapons. The evidence, eventually handed over to 
the Iraqi government by US forces a few months 
later, was found to provide no solid proof that 
the weapons came from Iran and the charges were 
withdrawn after a meeting with Iranian officials. 
The allegations 
once and for all when the weapons were looked at 
again by the Americans who, via a military 
spokesman, "attributed the confusion to a 
misunderstanding that emerged after an Iraqi Army 
general in Karbala erroneously reported the items 
were of Iranian origin." The entire embarrassing 
episode was 
up by Keith Olbermann on Countdown at the time:
"Major General Kevin Bergner convened a news 
conference in Baghdad last Wednesday to list 
20,000 items of ammunition, explosives, and 
weapons captured or uncovered by US and Iraqi 
governmental forces in the last few weeks of 
fighting. 45 rocket-propelled grenades, 570 
assorted explosive devices, 1800 mortars and 
artillery rounds. The point? This was the big 
day, this was the day, according to the LA Times, 
that the American military was to show the media 
of the world the conclusive evidence that at 
least some of the weaponry used by Iraqi 
insurgents had been supplied by Iran. The US 
military spokesman confirming to that newspaper 
that that's what the dog-and-pony-show was to 
include. They were all ready to show off Iran's 
tangible responsibility for some of the haul of 
the machinery of death, to establish the link 
between American fatalities and Iran: trademarks 
or company logos or Made in Tehran stickers or something.

When US experts took a second look at all this 
stuff, they then said 'None of this is from 
Iran.' 20,000 blowing-up things? Hard count of 
those supplied by Iran: zero. Percentage of the 
whole imported from Iran: no percent. Amount of 
tangible evidence linking Iran to anti-American 
uprisings in Baghdad: none. You do realize, they 
are making this up about Iran!"

And still, despite all the painfully obvious 
truth of the matter, US military officials 
continued to accuse Iran of channeling weaponry 
to Shia militias who are opposing the illegal US 
occupation in Iraq. In late May 2008, Gareth 
in IPS News that the alleged weapons were clearly 
not of Iranian origin (they were mostly 
manufactured in China, Russia, and the former 
Yugoslavia) and were obtained by Iraqi militias 
on the international black market.

With a quick look at some other facts, it can 
even be argued that the US military has itself 
provided lethal weaponry to Iraqi "insurgents" on 
a scale that could easily be called negligent 
collaboration. In August 2007, the Pentagon 
to losing track of a whole third of the total 
weapons distributed to Iraqi security forces in 
2004 and 2005. As a result, 
Global Research, "The 190,000 assault rifles and 
pistols roam free in Iraqi streets today."

As his battle cry draws to an end, Mr. Kuperman 
suggests that "air strikes could degrade and 
deter Iran's bomb program at relatively little 
cost or risk, and therefore are worth a try."

The costs and risks that Mr. Kuperman so deftly 
avoids addressing are the lives and livelihoods 
of the people of Iran. No type of "surgical" or 
"precision" bomb-dropping can avoid the loss the 
human life. A country of 70 million living, 
breathing, working, walking, talking, laughing, 
crying, dissenting, protesting, 
counter-protesting, praying, not praying, 
dreaming, wishing, hoping, loving human beings 
deserves far more consideration and calculation 
than what Mr. Kuperman provides or could ever understand.

New York politician Charles Evans Hughes, who, in 
the early 20th Century, served as Governor of New 
York, United States Secretary of State, and Chief 
Justice of the Supreme Court, once said, "War 
should be made a crime, and those who instigate 
it should be punished as criminals."

With this in mind, let's hope there's a special 
cell in hell reserved for lying warmongers like 
William Kristol, Judith Miller, and now, Alan Kuperman.

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