[News] El Salvador's FMLN welcomes Hugo Chavez's call for a Fifth International

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Thu Dec 24 10:44:52 EST 2009

El Salvador's FMLN welcomes Hugo Chavez's call for a Fifth International

December 23rd 2009, by FMLN - Links

Resolution of the XXV Ordinary FMLN National 
Convention on the initiative to establish the 
'Fifth (V) Socialist International'

This FMLN National Convention,


1. That the Farabundo Marti National Liberation 
Front (FMLN) is a political organisation that has 
the responsibility, recognised by popular 
majority and as a consequence of our long history 
of struggle, of constructing in El Salvador a 
society based on social justice; which is 
economically productive, environmentally 
sustainable and wherein all exercise and respect 
fundamental freedoms and inherent rights of the 
human being, as recognised in the Constitution of the Republic.

2. That the progressive and left-wing political 
and social movements, which are leading the 
struggles for democracy and social progress, are 
experiencing a period of growth and gain in 
various parts of the world, and particularly in 
Latin America and the Caribbean; proposing and 
winning solutions to the major problems confronting the world today.

3. That it is evident that neoliberalism, that 
extreme form of uncontrolled capitalism, has not 
and will not be able to resolve the great 
challenges faced by modern civilisation, 
currently immersed in a deep economic and 
financial crisis that has deepened the conditions 
of poverty and misery for millions of human 
beings. To this is added, among other calamities 
that afflict humanity, the evident and 
destructive effects of climate change, the growth 
of diseases and illness, the energy crisis, the 
food crisis, the rise in transnational 
delinquency, and the threats to peace and 
democracy in various regions of the planet.

4. That in this context it is of paramount 
importance that all of the social movements and 
political organisations that characterise 
themselves as progressive, left and socialist, 
wherever they are around the world, intensify our 
theoretical discussion and the formulation of 
alternative development projects -– in order that 
we meet the aspirations of prosperity, freedom 
and self-determination of the people, and that 
this in turn stimulates solidarity and fraternal cooperation between us all.

5. That it is the right of any national political 
force, whatever its ideology, to promote links of 
friendship and the exchange of experiences with 
likeminded political organisations around the 
world, without undermining their independence and 
identity, and respecting the realities of their socio-political process.


1. To intensify our efforts in the international 
arenas to strengthen the opportunities for 
reflection, debate and the development of 
creative proposals and alternatives for economic 
development, social emancipation and sovereignty 
of peoples; including within the Sao Paulo Forum 
and the Permanent Conference of Political Parties 
of Latin America and the Caribbean.

2. To acknowledge and welcome the initiative of 
the United Socialist Party of Venezuela to 
promote a new space that has become known as "V 
[Fifth] Socialist International”: to promote 
discussion, theoretical, political and 
ideological reflection, and solidarity between 
political forces around the world who promote the 
path of socialism as the way to guarantee our 
peoples' human development, economic prosperity, 
democracy and national independence, while 
preserving peace and the environmental sustainability of the planet.

3. To reiterate our solidarity, and that of the 
vast majority of the Salvadoran people, with the 
people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 
and other South American nations who have 
undertaken structural changes; and who now face a 
new and serious threat to self-determination and 
sovereignty from the installation of foreign military bases near their borders.


San Salvador, 13 de Diciembre de 2009.

Translated by Lara Pullin of the 
<http://www.venezuelasolidarity.org/>Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network [1]

[1] http://www.venezuelasolidarity.org/

Source URL (retrieved on Dec 24 2009 - 10:59): 

License: Published under a Creative Commons 
license (by-nc-nd). See creativecommons.org for more information.

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