[News] Cracks in the Honduran Coup Regime Grow Wider

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Tue Aug 18 15:02:52 EDT 2009

Cracks in the Honduran Coup Regime Grow Wider

Posted by 
Giordano - August 18, 2009 at 10:49 am

By Al Giordano

We've previously noted that some key members of 
the coup regime power structure – notably 
business magnate Adolfo Facusse and Liberal Party 
presidential nominee Elvin Santos – had begun 
waxing aloud to find a scapegoat for the 
illegality of the June 28 coup d’etat. They had 
both settled on the Armed Forces, and the 
“original sin” of all that has gone awry since, 
according to them, was that the military shipped 
elected President Manuel Zelaya out of the 
country instead of arraigning him to face prosecution.

Coup regime “president” Roberto Micheletti has 
just added his voice to the cacophony, 

“There was an error by a certain sector,” 
Micheletti said today in an interview in 
Tegucigalpa. “It wasn’t correct. We have to 
punish whoever allowed that to happen. The rest 
was framed within what the constitution requires.”

A mistake was made when Zelaya, still wearing 
pajamas, was put on a plane to Costa Rica instead 
of being held for trial, Micheletti said.

That is indeed rich coming from Micheletti who 
has fumbled two opportunities since the coup to 
walk his talk and arrest Zelaya as he keeps 
claiming he wants to do. The first came on July 5 
when Zelaya attempted to fly into the Toncontin 
International Airport in Tegucigalpa but 
Micheletti ordered the same Armed Forces to 
litter the runway with trucks and soldiers to 
prevent the plane from landing. The second came 
on July 19 when Zelaya briefly stepped into 
Honduran territory from the Nicaraguan side of 
the border and again the military and police had orders not to arrest him.

Micheletti is in fact declaring the military a 
scapegoat for doing just once what Micheletti 
himself has ordered them to do a second and third 
time. He doesn’t really want Zelaya to stand 
trial because, first, the so-called evidence 
against the President is flimsy and falsified, 
and, second, because the regime fears that the 
very people of Honduras might assemble to break 
down any wall that might hold their elected president.

In that context, Micheletti’s words constitute an 
admission that the coup has been legally flawed from the start.

Meanwhile, Liberal Party candidate Santos – under 
criticism for the 
dollar highway construction contracts his company 
has from US taxpayers, thanks to the Millennium 
Challenge Corporation chaired by Secretary of 
State Hillary Clinton – has determined that the 
best defense is to go on offense. Yesterday, he 
exiled Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, elected 
in 2005 on the Liberal Party line, of a 
“political alliance” with National Party 
presidential candidate Pepe Lobo to sabotage his 
chances in the planned November “election.”

And adding to the clown show was the coup 
regime’s make believe “foreign minister,” 
Council member Martha Lorena Alvarado, who 
yesterday charged that the delegation currently 
in Honduras from the Inter American Human Rights 
Council, affiliated with the Organization of 
American States (OAS), is “infiltrated by Latin 
American leftist movements.” (The delegation is 
made up of human rights officials from elected 
governments throughout the hemisphere.) She 
insisted that “the first violation of human 
rights” in Honduras is that caused by striking 
schoolteachers whom, she accused, are violating 
the rights of the children to go to school in the 
summer months. As she spoke those words, out in 
the streets of the capital National Police were 
busy beating up a reporter for Channel 36 
television who had the temerity to try and film 
what are now daily violent attacks against peaceful demonstrators.

This business of “working the refs” – the regime 
daily makes statements aimed at discrediting an 
OAS delegation of foreign ministers that will 
arrive next in Honduras to try and broker the 
return of the elected president - is clearly 
intended to deflect from the continued 
heavy-handed violation of the most basic 
democratic rights by an unelected regime.

And in Washington DC yesterday, a member of the 
coup regime’s own delegation to the US admitted 
Argentina news agency TELAM that the coup was 
illegal. Delegation member Arturo Corrales 
(speaking, in the photo above) of the Christian 
Democratic Party, is contradicting not just the 
Armed Forces but also the man who sent him to Washington: Micheletti himself:

“In Honduras, we are clearly convinced that the 
military participation in this process is zero. 
Its participation is limited to guard the 
electoral process,” said Corrales who added that 
President Zelaya’s rights “were violated
Honduran citizen has the right to live in 
Honduras and the State is obligated to do everything it can to guarantee that.”

“It’s true that Mr. Roberto Micheletti nominated 
us to represent the executive branch (in 
Washington) but we all represent a longing for a resolution in Honduras.”

The layers of the onion around the Honduran coup 
regime continue to peel and flake away from its 
core. The statements and actions of its own key 
players contradict the regime’s daily insistence 
that there is normality in the country.

“We (the members of the Micheletti appointed 
delegation) are convinced that the San José 
accord (to reinstate Zelaya to the presidency) is 
worthwhile and continues being the focus of an 
agreement to come before the (November 29) 
elections, “said Corrales. “This has come to the 
point of maturity. I believe that the visit by 
the (OAS) foreign ministers (to Honduras) is 
going to provoke the final stage of this dialogue 
and the implementation stage will begin.”

It remains to be seen whether the coup that can’t 
shoot straight will be able to come to agreement 
among its own conspirators, much less with the 
rest of Honduras and the hemisphere named 
América. But there is a sense that in this game 
of musical chairs the tune is drawing to a close 
and the coup plotters are nervously eyeing the 
seats in the hopes on not being left the last 
ones standing alone and abandoned.

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