[News] Blacken the whiteout of Cynthia McKinney's breakthroughs

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Aug 13 17:01:14 EDT 2009

By now you've probably heard about former 
Congresswoman and presidential candidate Cynthia 
McKinney's Triumph Tour of the San Francisco Bay 
Area next Thursday-Monday, Aug. 20-24. (See 
McKinney's Gaza Solidarity Triumph Tour: Main 
event Aug. 20 Grand Lake Theater.) These 
fundraisers are essential to the survival of the SF Bay View newspaper.

But more than that, they'll blacken the media 
whiteout of Cynthia's recent and lifelong 
breakthroughs in countless struggles for peace 
with justice. A full house at every stop on her 
tour will show the scaredy-cat media the power of 
the people's love for the courage of this most 
outspoken member of Congress in memory.

Remember Paul Robeson? So adored that he drew 
massive audiences throughout the world, he 
nevertheless faced a total media whiteout - 
except for one radio station: KPFA, 94.1 FM - in 
the U.S., which snatched his passport and 
silenced him for decades. Beginning today, KPFA 
programmers are breaking through the media 
whiteout again; you'll hear Cynthia on show after show over the next week.

By promoting and packing each event on this tour, 
the mainstream media has closed its eyes, ears 
and mouth to. While Cynthia can shatter myths 
with her profound understanding of controversies 
from the Congo to 9/11, her emphasis on this Triumph Tour is on Gaza.

Think what people glued to mainstream media won't 
hear: Embarking last December on a Free Gaza boat 
trip to break the blockade of humanitarian aid to 
Gaza, Cynthia was daring Israel to prevent the 
passage of a former member of Congress through 
international and Gazan waters; she was never in 
Israeli waters on either trip. In December, days 
before its air and ground bombardment of Gaza, 
Israel ordered its navy warships to ram the Free 
Gaza boat Dignity, nearly sinking it - and Cynthia doesn't know how to swim!

Returning June 29 on the Free Gaza boat Spirit of 
Humanity, she and all 21 aboard, including Nobel 
Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire and numerous 
journalists, were surrounded by Israeli warships, 
their boat was boarded in international waters in 
what NY City Councilman Charles Barron called an 
"act of piracy," and they were all booked into 
prison for a week of catching catnaps on a 
concrete floor, eating meager rations of mostly 
bread and water but also meeting many Africans in 
an Israeli prison population that is - surprisingly - mostly Black.

A day or two after Cynthia was deported back to 
the U.S., she accepted an invitation from British 
Member of Parliament George Galloway to join Viva 
Palestina, then stuck at the Egypt-Gaza border 
with a long convoy of vehicles and medical aid 
for Gaza. She and Charles Barron led many days of 
negotiations with an unfriendly Egyptian 
government that succeeded in allowing some - not 
all - of the convoy to cross triumphantly into 
Gaza on July 15. Black people everywhere cheered 
when they learned that the only well known people 
with Viva Palestina beside Galloway were all 
Black: Cynthia McKinney, Charles Barron and M-1 of dead prez.

Wait 'til you hear from Cynthia what she saw 
inside Gaza! She'll be armed with videos on her 
Bay Area Triumph Tour. People glued to the 
mainstream media won't see them or hear from Cynthia, but you will!


If you're in the Bay Area, please print and 
distribute the flier you'll see at the top of 
<http://www.sfbayview.com>www.sfbayview.com; it 
looks gorgeous in print. The file is too big to 
attach to this message, so please email 
<mailto:editor at sfbayview.com>editor at sfbayview.com 
and I'll send it to you. If you're not in the Bay 
Area, please forward this message to someone who 
is. Watch <http://www.sfbayview.com>www.sfbayview.com for updates.

Calendar editors, please print and post the 
following events - details are at <http://www.sfbayview.com:>www.sfbayview.com:

    * Thursday, Aug. 20, 6:30 p.m., Grand Lake 
Theater, 3200 Grand Ave., Oakland, $15 (no one 
turned away, space permitting), tickets available 
in advance at the Grand Lake box office
    * Friday, Aug. 21, 6:30 p.m., Black Dot, 1195 Pine St., West Oakland
    * Saturday, Aug. 22, 3 p.m., Warren 
Auditorium, Ives Hall, Sonoma State University, 
1801 East Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park, $5, free parking
    * Sunday, Aug. 23, 4 p.m., Lunacy Theater, 
Redstone Building, 2940 16th St. at Mission and 
16th Street BART, San Francisco, $15 (no one turned away, space permitting)
    * Monday, Aug. 24, 5:30 p.m., 33 Revolutions 
Café, 10086 San Pablo Ave., at Central, El 
Cerrito, no admission, dinner available for a reasonable price
No jailing of journalists! Join Cynthia McKinney 
for the very first stop on her tour – attending 
the preliminary hearing on the ridiculous, 
trumped up charge of felony arson of a trash can 
against her good friend, POCC Minister of 
Information JR (who is the one to thank for 
organizing Cynthia's Triumph Tour). You’ll recall 
he was arrested by Oakland police, who know him 
well as their most severe critic, while on 
assignment Jan. 7 for the SF Bay View, covering 
the first Oakland Rebellion following the 
execution of Oscar Grant. Charges have been 
dropped against nearly all the 100-plus arrested 
that night - but not JR. The OPD still has not 
returned his camera, and they're still determined 
to railroad him into prison. Pack the courtroom 
Thursday, Aug. 20, 9 a.m., at 661 Washington St., 
Courtroom 112! Stop the whiteout of independent 
journalists! Support independent media!

Celebrate, support and join Cynthia McKinney at 
every stop on her Triumph Tour, Aug. 20-24!

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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