[News] "1968: The Great Rehearsal" - a week of events and discussions SF - Sept. 17-25

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Sep 16 10:48:11 EDT 2008

The Great Rehearsal:

A symposium and week of events

on the World Revolution of '68 and its legacies

September 17-25


1968 was a world revolution.  From Mexico City to 
Tokyo, Paris to Prague, Columbia University to 
Berkeley, it was a revolutionary event that at 
once failed and transformed the world. The 
process it put into place continues today.  1968, 
the long '68, altered fundamental balances of 
power and set the stage for today's new 
movements.  '68 was a great rehearsal.  For what, it is up to us to decide.

Global Commons Foundation, 
<http://www.pmpress.org/>PM Press, and 
Against the War invite you to a week of 
discussions and events on the worldwide events of 1968 and their legacies.

The events will run from Wednesday September 17 
to Thursday September 25, and will be centered 
around an all-day 
at the University of San Francisco on Saturday September 20th.

These events were made possible through 
with:  <http://www.usfca.edu/>University of San 
Francisco, Intertribal Friendship House, 
<http://www.aimovement.org/>American Indian 
Movement, Retort, 
Speech Cafe Program at UC Berkeley, 
<http://www.shapingsf.org/>Shaping San Francisco, 
<http://www.kpfa.org/>KPFA, <http://www.war-times.org/>WarTimes/Tiempo

The symposium at the University of San Francisco 
was made possible through the support of: The 
Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Studies 
and Social Thought at the University of San 
Francisco, Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public 
Service and the Common Good, USF Academic and 
International Activities, USF Center for the 
Pacific Rim, USF Department of Sociology, USF 
Environmental Studies Program, USF Gender and 
Sexualities Studies Minor, USF Offices of the 
Associate Dean for Social Sciences, Associate 
Dean for Arts & Humanities and Dean for Arts & Sciences



Indian Movement to the World Indigenous Movement, 1968-present
Intertribal Friendship House
523 International Blvd., Oakland
6PM - 10PM, Free
Participants include: Len Foster, Bill Means

Anniversary: San Francisco State Strike 1968-69
1310 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
7:30pm Free


<http://www.greatrehearsal.org/dissent.html>Archives of Dissent
Free Speech Café, Moffitt Library, UC Berkeley.
6-8:30pm, Free

Hillary King<http://www.greatrehearsal.org/king.html>
Book launch for From The Bottom Of The Heap: The Autobiography of Black
Panther Robert Hillary King
The Green Arcade
1680 Market Street (at Gough)
San Francisco CA 94102
7pm, Free


<http://www.greatrehearsal.org/teachin.html>National Teach-In on the Iraq War
University of California, Berkeley
9am-6:30pm, Free
Participants include: Daniel Ellsberg, Brian 
Willson, Paco Ignacio Taibo II,  Andrej Grubacic, 
Paul Cronin, Sam Green, Mark Danner,
Tom Reifer, Staughton Lynd, Immanuel Wallerstein, 
Carlos Muñoz, Medea Benjamin, Antonia Juhasz, Tom Hayden

A Discussion On The Lessons and Vibrant Legacy Of The Year That Shook The World
Julia Morgan Center For The Arts
2640 College Avenue, Berkeley
7pm, $10 (no-one turned away)
Participants: Robert Hillary King, Immanuel 
Wallerstein, Staughton Lynd, Andrej Grubacic, 
Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz


Great Rehearsal? The World Revolution of 1968
Harney Science Center
Plenaries in room 127
University of San Francisco
8:30AM-7:30PM, Free
Participants include:  Paco Ignacio Taibo II, 
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Immanuel Wallerstein, Denis 
O'Hearn, Peter Linebaugh, Donald Nicholson-Smith, 
Marta Petrusewicz, Ziga Vodovnik, Robin Balliger, 
Walter Turner, Muto Ichiyo, Sabu Kohso, Estella 
Habal, Uldis Kruze, Chris Carlsson, Frances Beal, 
Barbara Esptein, Ramon Grosfoguel, Robert Hillary 
King, Betita Martinez, William Means, Jorge 
Aquino, Lilian Dube, Laura Fantone, Raj Patel, 
Mayo Fuster Morell, Eddie Yuen, James Tracy, Anne 
Weills, Andrej Grubacic, Katharine Wallerstein, 
Tom Reifer, Mike Fisher, Brian Willson, James Tracy, Staughton Lynd


and Zapatistas" Book Launch
City Lights Bookstore
261 Columbus Ave., San Francisco
5pm, Free
Participants:  Andrej Grubacic, Staughton Lynd, Denis O'Hearn

Cinema and the Long 68
A Retort event
San Francisco, venue TBA
8pm, Free


to Liberation: Political Prisoners, Incarceration, and Struggle
Modern Times Bookstore
888 Valencia St, San Francisco
7pm, Free
Participants:  Robert Hillary King, Denis O'Hearn and Andrej Grubacic

Ignacio Taibo II in Conversation<http://www.greatrehearsal.org/paco.html>.
Women's Building, The Audre Lorde Room, 3543 18th St # 8, San Francisco
7pm. $10 (no-one turned away).
Participants: Paco Ignacio Taibo II and Donald Nicholson Smith


<http://goog_1220386616254/>Youth, Identity, 
Power: The Chicano Movement<http://www.greatrehearsal.org/chicano.html>
Dr. Carlos Muñoz
Reading and discussion
The Green Arcade
1680 Market Street, at Gough
7pm, Free


Africa: African liberation movements and decolonialization from 1945 to Today
1310 Mission Street, San Francisco
7:30pm, Free
Participants: Immanuel Wallerstein, Walter Turner, Will Grant
<http://www.greatrehearsal.org/real.html>Real Cost of Prisons Comix
Book Launch with editor Lois Ahrens
The Green Arcade, 1680 Market Street, San Francisco
7pm, Free
Participants include: Lois Ahrens, Marlon Altan, 
Amie Dowling, Debbie Reyes, Karen Shain, Mara Taub


Resistance, Costs And Consequences: A Discussion 
with Authors, Activists And Former Political Prisoners
First Congregational Church of Oakland, 2501 Harrison St, Oakland
7pm. $10 (no-one turned away).
Participants include: Robert Hillary King, Lois 
Ahrens, Victoria Law, Matt Meyer, Ashanti Alston, Rita 'Bo' Brown

For more information, contact 
<mailto:kwallerstein at globalcommonsfoundation.org>Katharine 
Wallerstein, Executive Director, The Global Commons Foundation


If you would like to be added to or removed from 
our mailing list please send an email to 
<mailto:kwallerstein at globalcommonsfoundation.org>kwallerstein at globalcommonsfoundation.org.

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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