[News] Stop the raids action on Friday in SF

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Oct 29 18:15:46 EDT 2008

STOP THE RAIDS NOW rally at ICE headquarters Friday Oct 31

10- 2

630 Sansome St, San Francisco

Hundreds of high school and college age youth, 
from Oakland, Berkeley, Richmond, San Francisco, 
San Jose, San Lorenzo, San Leandro, Santa Cruz, 
Sacramento, and Hayward gather with community 
members and families to denounce the atrocities 
committed against the immigrant communities by 
Immigration Custom Enforcement (ICE). This 
Halloween the festivities are left aside in order 
to shed light on the attacks that have been 
happening against immigrant and working class 
communities in these so called "sanctuary 
cities." Young people take the forefront in order 
to say "Enough is Enough" – we need an immediate 
End to all ICE Raids, We need to shut down all 
Detention Centers and we need to have REAL Sanctuary Cities.

During this time of election, immigrant families 
have been silently suffering repression, 
intimidation and constant targeting by ICE. Since 
neither presidential candidate wants to talk 
about this issue, young people from all over the 
Bay Area have united across cities and across 
color lines to denounce the inhumane treatment of 
im/migrant communities and to ensure that the people's voice is heard.

10am: gather for blessings w/ danza azteca, the 
legendary radical community organizer and author 
Betita Martinez and others, inspiring elders and 
youth, music, poetry & hip-hop, agit-prop 
theater, skull face painting, banner and sign 
making, food and more at the Ferry park in San Francisco. (Embarcadero BART)

11:30: Lively Funeral March to the Northern 
California Headquarters of the United States 
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) @ 630 Sansome (near Washington).

12pm: Mass Rally, Theater and More in front of ICE headquarters.

<mailto:stoptheraidsnow at gmail.com>stoptheraidsnow at gmail.com

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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