[News] University of Arizona using lasers on migrants

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Nov 4 14:59:26 EST 2008

of Arizona becomes spy central, coopted by dollars


University of Arizona using lasers on migrants, US spy dollars are a 
threat to human rights

By Brenda Norrell

TUCSON -- In Tucson, a community known for its human rights 
organizations setting global standards, the University of Arizona has 
been co-opted by dollars to become spy central.

The university is very proud of its new millions to spy on people, by 
way of the Internet, and develop "technologies," including lasers on 
migrants' arteries.

Under the guise of the war on terror, human rights activists, 
especially peace activists, have been targeted throughout the United 
States and the world by unbridled US spy technology and US government 

Are the students who promote human rights safe writing on their 
Internet computers at the university? Many do not feel they are. Are 
peaceful protesters safe gathering and legally voicing their 
concerns? Many do not feel they are safe with millions of spy dollars 
pouring into the university.

The university and Homeland Security are promoting Dr. Hsinchun Chen, 
in charge of Internet spying worldwide and based at the university. 
He is on the lookout for "suspicious" behavior.

"Dr. Chen is the founder of the Knowledge Computing Corporation, a 
university spin-off company and a market leader in law enforcement 
and intelligence information sharing and data mining," according to a 
statement to publicize Dr. Chen's efforts.

news is that the university is using lasers on migrants.

Jay Nunamaker, director of UA's Center for Management of Information 
in the Eller College of Management, said the university is using the 
laser doppler vibrometer on migrants.

"Nunamaker said the goal is to make the laser beam that is aimed at 
the suspect's carotid artery invisible and have it be accurate up to 
100 yards," according to the Tucson Citizen. The lasers are an 
experiment to determine truth telling and lies.

Is it safe? Not everyone believes this laser is safe. But apparently 
the university feels it is OK to experiment on migrants with these lasers.

Homeland Security said, "The Center for Border Security and 
Immigration, led by the University of Arizona in Tucson and the 
University of Texas at El Paso, will develop technologies, tools and 
advanced methods to balance immigration and commerce with effective 
border security, as well as assess threats and vulnerabilities, 
improve surveillance and screening, analyze immigration trends, and 
enhance policy and law enforcement efforts."

The university is receiving $16 million from Homeland Security.

Because of the fear of an economic collapse in the US, university 
researchers are scrambling after the dollars.

Homeland Security dollars are also funding 
intelligence training in Israel, according to Security Solutions International.

The security industry around the world, including intelligence, 
security guards and private prisons, became one of the most 
profitable industries in the world following 9/11.

The Homeland Security funded Israeli training follows the news that 
the same security corporations responsible for building the Apartheid 
Wall in Palestine, including Israel's Elbit Systems, were 
subcontracted for security work on the US Apartheid Wall on the 
US/Mexico border.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, of the Organization of 
American States, named the US Border Wall and Guantanamo as 
international human rights concerns, in a statement released last 
week. The Commission pointed out how the US has targeted Indigenous 
Peoples and the poor in discriminatory actions in construction of the 
border wall and urged the closure of Guantanamo detention facility, 
long known as a place of US torture, secret renditions and other 
violations of the Geneva Conventions.

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