[News] Michael Rossman transitions

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed May 14 18:11:09 EDT 2008

It is with deep sadness that we have to tell you that Michael Rossman 
left this earthly plane May 12 after a short battle with cancer. 
Michael was an unadulterated inspiration and a "keeper of the flame" 
of the radical spirit of the long 1960s. Yesterday we stripped off 
our shirts and dug a hole in a beautiful cemetery, laying him down in 
the earth he loved so much.

Rest in peace, brother.

Michael's extensive AOUON poster archive will be processed and 
eventually placed in a suitable institutional repository.

A memorial service will be announced.

For more on Michael,

As virtuous men pass mildly away
And whisper to their souls to go
Whilst some of their sad friends do say
The breath goes now, and some say, no...

This is how Michael left us, at about 2:30 yesterday 
afternoon.  Surrounded by family love.

 From him, among his last days of talking much, and from me, great, 
deep thanks for all your help, letters, wishes, prayers, and of course Blood!

No flowers, thanks.  My yard is in splendid bloom.  Any gift you'd 
care to give would be welcome I'm sure, to a cause you know he cared 
about,  If you've meant to, but haven't quite gotten to a blood bank 
yet, please do.  (And please don't feel bad if you're unable to, for 
any reason.)  The best gift of all that you can give, truly, is to 
ask friends to give blood in his name.  Preferably, but not 
necessarily, at the UCSF bloodbank.    He took so very much from the 
supply that it is still an enormous act of love to him to replace 
some of it.  Who knows?  Perhaps for some who are not already regular 
donors, it will become a habit.  I get such a good feeling when I go 
to a blood bank, because it's one of the things in society that is 
simply and completely for the common good.  Cuz obviously,  it's a 
supply that one day either we, or someone we dearly love, will 
desperately need.

We are still putting together love notes to, and now about, 
Michael.  If you'd like to send one, it's to:  1409 Bonita, Berkeley 
94709.  Thank you, too, for those.  Though he just couldn't reply at 
the end, they meant so much to him.

We'll get back to you when we've got the memorial planned.

Freedom Archives
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San Francisco, CA 94110

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