[News] Message from Dr. Jean-Bertrand Aristide on Solidarity

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Thu Mar 13 12:28:21 EDT 2008


Message from Dr. Jean-Bertrand Aristide

P. Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Pretoria, South Africa

Dear Friends,

May the spirit of International Day in Solidarity 
with the Haitian People continue to spread!

If the more than 10,000 people killed in the 18 
months that followed the February 29, 2004 coup 
d’état could speak, what would they say?  Would 
they join voices with the young women raped and 
sexually assaulted since the coup?  Would they 
remind us that these women are estimated to 
constitute half the population of Haiti’s shanty 
towns?  Would they unite with the voices of the 
3,200 people imprisoned in a National 
Penitentiary built to hold 1,200 prisoners?  And 
what of the countless others who were inhumanely 
abused and now clearly betrayed?  What would their message be?

They would rise in chorus with Lovinsky 
Pierre-Antoine to say Mési, thank you, for the 
solidarity demonstrated four years later.

Because they cannot, I will: Thank you.

Thank you to each and every participant in the 56 
actions organized in 47 cities across four 
continents as part of the 3rd International Day 
of Solidarity.  Your solidarity strengthens the 
people’s determination to continue to affirm 
human dignity and struggle for true democracy, justice and peace.

United to all our Haitian sisters and brothers 
who, on that same day, condemned the kidnapping 
of February 29, 2004 and called for our return to 
Haiti, let us continue to drink from this 
historical stream of solidarity with grateful 
thanks to our mother Haiti. “Gratitude is the 
least of the virtues but ingratitude is the worst of the vices.”

Ab imo pectore, from the bottom of my heart,

Dr. Jean-Bertrand Aristide

Pretoria, March 11, 2008

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