[News] Bay Area - Emergency Actions for Gaza, Plus Afghan Women's Action

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Mar 4 18:39:18 EST 2008

Emergency Protests for Gaza!  Speak up and Take Action Now!

Forward Widely:
Join AROC, other organizations, activists, and all those speaking out 
against this injustice at the following two actions for Palestine.

Also, see below for Action in Support of Afghan women.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Oakland Federal Building, 1301 Clay Street

As Israeli forces continue their deadly rampage through the Gaza 
Strip, we must speak out about our own government's support for the 
death and destruction.
Join MECA, ANSWER-SF, and the Arab Resource and Organizing Center 
tomorrow, to protest the killing in Gaza.

Bring yourself, your friends and your family!
Bring signs and banners!

FRIDAY: Emergency Protest in Front of the Israeli Consulate
Friday, March 7, 4 PM
456 Montgomery Street, San Francisco.

American Muslims for Palestine, Free Palestine Alliance, AROC and others.

We will be taking cash donations to send directly to Gaza relief 
efforts at this action, please support these efforts by contributing 
what you can, or see below and donate now!

Support Gaza, send money and other supplies
Donate online now: http://www.refugeesupport.org

Support a refugee family in Gaza through TAKAFUL: The Palestinian 
Refugee Support Network today!
Every day, the news from Gaza continues to pour in - news that 
highlights the urgent humanitarian crisis for the people of Gaza. 
Following a week in which more than 70 Palestinians were killed, many 
of them are children,  by invading Israeli military forces and arial 
strikes and hundreds wounded by the ongoing bombing raids and invasions.

Your contribution is tax-deductible in the United States. Contribute 
online TODAY and help to break the humanitarian crisis on the people of Gaza!

Afghan Women's Association International in Bay Area:
Silent March to show solidarity with Afghan women in Afghanistan.
We need your help in this gathering
Date: March 8th
Time: 1pm to 3pm
For Information you call at 510-745-1682

Afghan Women to Unite for Peace on International Women's Day
While women across the world unite to celebrate International Women's 
Day on March 8, women in Afghanistan's most insecure will bravely 
gather for peace at a number of public events. With the main 
gathering in the volatile Kandahar province, women will be wearing 
white scarves as a symbol of peace.
Bpeace (The Business Council for Peace) is mobilizing international 
support for the Afghan women by circulating a petition of solidarity: 

Arab Resource and Organizing Center

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Arab Resource and Organizing Center ~ AROC
522 Valencia St
San Francisco, Ca 94110

415.861.7444 ~ www.adcsf.org ~ arabamericanlegal at gmail.com

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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