[News] Improbable Database Of A Farc Commander

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Wed Jul 9 12:04:37 EDT 2008

Improbable Database Of A Farc Commander

Fiddling with the files?

July 09, 2008 By Le Monde diplomatique -- LMD

Between 1 March and 3 March at 11.45am, an agent of the Colombian 
anti-terrorist unit accessed the eight exhibits, in contravention of 
"internationally recognised principles for handling electronic 
evidence by law enforcement". Here is what Interpol found (1):

Seized exhibit 26, a laptop computer, showed the following effects on 
files on or after 1 March 2008:

* 273 system files were created

* 373 system and user files were accessed

* 786 system files were modified

* 488 system files were deleted

Seized exhibit 27, also a laptop computer, showed:

* 589 system files were created

* 640 system and user files were accessed

* 552 system files were modified

* 259 system files were deleted

Seized exhibit 28, also a laptop computer, showed the following 
effects on files on or after 1 March 2008:

* 1,479 system files were created

* 1,703 system and user files were accessed

* 5,240 system files were modified

* 103 system files were deleted

And so the list goes on. If it is correct, then for three days the 
anti-terrorist agent's top priority, presented with a goldmine of 
information about the Farc, was to create, modify and delete a total 
of 48,055 files which held no interest (conclusion no 3).

Further questions arise when you read that:

Exhibit 28 contains one file that was shown as created on 17 August 
2009 Exhibit 30 contains:

* 668 files with creation dates that range from 7 March 2009   to 26 
August 2009

* 31 files which show as having been last modified between 14   June 
2009 and 26 August 2009

* These files contained either music, video or images

  Exhibit 31 contains:

* 2,110 files with creation dates ranging from 20 April 2009   to 27 
August 2009

* 1,434 files which show as having been last modified between   5 
April 2009 and 16 October 2010

  Interpol concluded that these files "were originally created prior 
to 1 March 2008 on a device or devices with incorrect system time 
settings". Yet this didn't cause it to doubt its conclusion that 
there was no evidence of abnormal creation, modification or deletion of files.


(1) "Interpol's Forensic Report on Farc computers and hardware seized 
by Colombia", 

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