[News] Paul Robeson: Words Like Freedom - CD Release La Pena 2/27

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jan 29 13:11:47 EST 2008

Paul Robeson CD Cover

Paul Robeson: Words Like Freedom - A New Audio CD from the Freedom Archives

Release Event @ La Pena
3105 Shattuck Ave - Berkeley
Wednesday, February 27th 6:30 pm

With Babatunde Lea, Alex Bagwell & poetry with Youth Speaks

$10-20 - No One Turned Away

Wheelchair Accessible

With this CD, we introduce you to rare spoken 
words of the great Paul Robeson, illuminating a 
side of this amazing man's personality and 
politics that has too often been suppressed. 
Robeson saw it as his responsibility to speak the 
truth about conditions both domestic and abroad 
knowing that his fame would allow these messages 
to be more widely heard. He was also deeply aware 
of the consequences and faced the official 
repression against him with dignity and courage.

Embodied in Paul Robeson's character and 
contributions is a message for coming generations 
that is usually whitewashed, even in sympathetic 
portrayals. At its core, Robeson's message is one 
of militant, uncompromising resistance to racism, 
oppression, and tyranny,­ a "must keep fighting" 
spirit, even in the face of repression and the threat of death.

On this CD you'll hear Robeson express this 
deeply rooted radicalism in great love for his 
own African-American people, their culture, and 
their revolutionary contributions, and you'll 
hear it articulated in solidarity with poor and 
oppressed peoples and nations the world over:

"The artist must elect to fight for Freedom or 
for Slavery. I have made my choice. I had no alternative."

In creating this CD, the Freedom Archives offers 
a unique resource that can be used with history 
courses and heard by many who may never before 
heard the passion and eloquence of Robeson's 
spoken words. Purchase Direct via the link below

For more information or to purchase your copy:


Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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