[News] New Orleans - Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere! - Defend Public Housing

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jan 15 16:17:29 EST 2008

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere!"
International Call to Defend Public Housing and 
Stop Neo-Liberalism in New Orleans

The struggle for affordable housing and the right 
to return in New Orleans is far from over! If 
anything, the shameful and illegal City Council 
vote for the demolition of public housing has 
given greater clarity to the social struggle in 
New Orleans. To advance this struggle, the 
Coalition to Stop the Demolitions is calling on 
all of our allies and supporters in the social 
justice movements throughout the United States 
and the World to stand with us on Friday, January 
25th and Saturday, January 26th, 2008 for the 
International Days of Action against the demolition of public housing.

Our General Aims and Objectives

The principle aims of our struggle are to stop 
the advance of neo-liberalism and disaster 
capitalism in New Orleans and the Mississippi 
Gulf Coast. To accomplish this mission we must 
end the march of privatizations and 
dispossessions, including the demolitions of 
public housing that are ravaging the Black 
majority and working class of the city. We aim to 
curtail this march by exerting as much political 
pressure and economic reprisal as we can on the 
US government, particularly the US Senate and New 
Orleans City Officials, and the corporate 
interests that seek to gain from the misery of the displaced and dispossessed.

Neo-liberalism is a conservative or right wing 
ideology and political program that seeks to 
restructure the governing institution of the 
state to facilitate profit realization and 
maximization for transnational corporations and 
other private capital interests. The ideology and 
program seeks to accomplish its goals by 
eliminating taxes and social service spending, 
privatizing state services and institutions (such 
as housing, education, health care, pensions, 
water, electricity, etc.), deregulating markets, 
and eliminating various protections for workers 
(such as the right to form labor unions) and the 
environment (like various protection laws).

The International Days of Action

The Coalition is calling on its supporters 
everywhere to engage in actions that target the 
US Government, particularly the US Senate and its 
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, on 
either Friday, January 25th or Saturday, January 
26th. Where these targets are not accessible, we 
are asking supporters in the US to focus on other 
members of Congress. On the International level, 
we are asking that our supporters to focus your 
attention on US Embassies and/or raise our issues 
and demands within your existing actions.

The International Days of Action were also chosen 
by the Coalition to stand in support of the 
mobilization calls of the World Social Forum 
(WSF) and the US Social Forum (USSF) for an 
International Day of Action on January 26th, 2008 
to unite the social action of the world's 
progressive social movements against imperialism and neo-liberalism.

Other ways you can support the efforts of the Coalition
1.    Make a donation to support the ongoing 
organizing, coalition building, and mobilization 
work of the Coalition. You can make a 
tax-deductible donation to: the Mississippi 
Disaster Relief Coalition (MDRC). Mail to: The 
Mississippi Disaster Relief Coalition P.O. Box 31762 Jackson, MS 39286.
2.    Produce media stories (articles, 
editorials, and radio, television, and internet 
broadcasts) covering the struggle for housing and 
human rights in New Orleans and promoting the just demands of the Coalition.
3.    Promote the "Stop Da Demolitions" Mixtape. 
Available for download at 
or <http://www.mxgm.org>www.mxgm.org.

The Coalition to Stop the Demolition calls on our 
national and international allies to support our 
demands, which are as follows:

1.    No Demolitions – reopen the existing units 
and rebuild dignified housing at former public housing sites.
2.    Guaranteed one-to-one replacement for all public housing residents.
3.    All available public housing units should 
be made available for the homeless and those 
likely to face homelessness from the pending loss 
of rent vouchers and trailer recalls.
4.    The Federal government needs to suspend 
demolition until they complete their own 
investigation of Housing and Urban Development 
head Alphonso Jackson regarding the illegal 
no-bid contracts he awarded to his cronies.
5.    Rent control (at pre-Katrina rates) to 
provide deeply affordable housing so that all 
will be able to return to the city.
6.    Stop the privatization and gentrification of the city.

Resident Principles for Guiding Action

1.    All actions should be non-violent.
2.    There should be no weapons or drugs at any 
actions, and no alcohol or drug or weapon possession at any action.
3.    No destruction or defacement of resident property.
4.    No coalition meetings without resident knowledge and input
5.    No media without residents or resident knowledge.
6.    Focus on defending public housing and 
affordable housing in the city for all.

Federal Government Contact Information

George W. Bush - 202-456-1111
Alphonso Jackson, Secretary of HUD - (202) 708-1112
Mary Landrieu, US Senator, (D-LA) 202-224-5824; Fax: 202-224-9735
David Vitter, US Senator, (R-LA) - (504) 589-2753, DC Office (202)

Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
Committee contacts – demand that they approve Senate bill 1668:

Senator David Vitter: New Orleans Office (504) 589-2753
Senator Christopher Dodd (202) 224-2823
Senator Tim Johnson (202) 224-1638
Senator Jack Reed (202) 224-4642
Senator Charles Schumer 202-224-0420
Senator Evan Bayh (202) 224-5623
Senator Tom Carper (202) 224-2441
Senator Robert Menendez (202) 224-4744
Senator Daniel Akaka (202) 224-6361
Senator Sherrod Brown (202) 224-2315
Senator Robert Casey (202) 224-6324
Senator Jon Tester (202) 224-2644
Senator Richard Shelby (202) 224-5744
Senator Robert Bennent (202) 224-5444
Senator Wayne Allard (202) 224-5941
Senator Michael Enzi (202) 224-3424
Senator Chuck Hagel (202) 224-4224
Senator Jim Bunning (202) 224-4343
Senator Mike Crapo (202) 224-6142
Senator John Sununu (202) 224-2841
Senator Elizabeth Dole (202) 224-6342
Senator Mel Martinez (202) 224-3041

New Orleans Mayor and City Council Contact Information

Mayor Ray Nagin – 504.658.4900

Arnie Fielkow 504.658.1060 <mailto:afielkow at cityofno.com>afielkow at cityofno.com

Jacquelyn Clarkson 504.658.1070 
<mailto:jbclarkson at cityofno.com>jbclarkson at cityofno.com

Stacy Head 504.658.1020 <mailto:shead at cityofno.com>shead at cityofno.com

Shelly Midura 504.658.1010 <mailto:smidura at cityofno.com>smidura at cityofno.com

James Carter 504.658.1030 <mailto:jcarter at cityofno.com>jcarter at cityofno.com

Cynthia Hedge-Morrell 504.658.1040 
<mailto:chmorrell at cityofno.com>chmorrell at cityofno.com

Cynthia Willard-Lewis 
<mailto:504.658.1050cwlewis at cityofno.com>504.658.1050cwlewis at cityofno.com


1.    Peoples' Hurricane Relief Fund website 
2.    Defend New Orleans Public Housing 

3.    World Social Forum (WSF) 

4.    United States Social Forum (USSF) 

Contact Information
For more information email 
<mailto:action at peopleshurricane.org>action at peopleshurricane.org 
or call 504.458.3494.

In Unity and Struggle,
Kali Akuno
National Organizer, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
Coalition to Stop the Demolitions

Freedom Archives
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San Francisco, CA 94110

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