[News] SF Saturday - Social Forum Day of Action - Support the Right to Return

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jan 24 17:44:17 EST 2008

Say NO to White Supremacy and Neo-liberalism in New Orleans and the World!
Stand up for the Right to Return!
Demand the Human Right to Shelter!!!

WHEN: January 26, 2008 3:00 pm

WHERE: Senator Dianne Feinstein's Estate. 2460 Lyon Street (at 
Vallejo Street), San Francisco, CA

WHO: Everyone that Supports the Human Right to Shelter

On January 26th, in accordance with the World Social Forum's Global

Day of Action, Bay Area activists will demonstrate at Senator Dianne

Feinstein 's five-story-estate to demand an end to neo-liberalism,

disaster capitalism and racial cleansing in New Orleans, Louisiana.

An acute housing crisis is in effect in the Gulf Coast. There are

currently more than 12,000 homeless in New Orleans. In March, FEMA

plans to close its trailer parks, leaving 50,000 more families

without homes.  At a time when housing is desperately needed,

the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is

planning to demolish more than 4,500 habitable public housing units,

once home to thousands of women of color and their children.

Supporting the Right to Return for Katrina/Rita Survivors not only advances the

right to self-determination for African American communities in the

South, it advances the right to global self-determination--the right

for all people to define their own destiny-From New Orleans to Latin

America; from the Middle East to the Bay Area.  Another world is not

possible without justice in New Orleans!


Sponsoring Organizations:

School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL), POWER, St. Peters' Housing

Committee, Just Cause Oakland, Partnership for Immigrant Leadership

and Action (PILA), Katrina Solidarity Network, Arab Resource and

Organizing Center, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Freedom Road

Socialist Organization, Center for Political Education, Center for

Media Justice, Heads Up Collective, Transnational Institute for

Grassroots Research and Action (TIGRA), Poor Magazine.

On Saturday,  protesters will call on Senator Feinstein to support

the demands of the Coalition to Stop the Demolition:

1.   Stop the Demolitions! Reopen existing public housing units and

rebuild dignified housing at former public housing sites!

2.   Guaranteed one-to-one replacement for all public housing


3.    All available public housing units should be made available for

the homeless and those at risk of homelessness from the pending loss

of rent vouchers and trailer evictions!

4.   Demand a Federal investigation of Housing and Urban Development

head Alphonso Jackson regarding the illegal no-bid contracts he

awarded to his cronies!

5.   Enact rent control (*at pre-Katrina rates*) to provide deeply

affordable housing so that all will be able to return to the city!

6.   Stop the privatization and gentrification of the city!

<mailto:Katrinasolidarity at gmail.com>Katrinasolidarity at gmail.com

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