[News] Defend Reproductive Rights - Saturday, Jan 19 - SF

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jan 15 15:06:04 EST 2008


JOIN US IN  Protest against  their anti-choice march with a vibrant 
reproductive rights presence on the 35th Anniversary of Roe v Wade!

SAT., JANUARY 19, 2008 10:30AM
at Justin Herman Plaza, SF

This will be the 4th year that 10,000 right wingers will be
bussed in to San Francisco for their annual "Walk for Life-
West Coast". Organizers of the "Walk for Life" want to strip
women of their rights to a safe and legal abortion.

Join Gabriela Network and Bay Area Coalition for Our Reproductive Rights
  in a counter demonstration to show the Religious Right  that San 
Francisco is a Pro Choice City!!

We demand: free, accessible abortion on demand; no forced
sterilization; healthcare; pre- and post-natal care and
childcare for all; safe and accessible contraceptives; the end
of discrimination of GLBTQI and queer communities; sexual
freedom and quality sex education.

For more information please contact 
<mailto:sfbayarea at gabnet.org>sfbayarea at gabnet.org or 
<http://Bacorr.org>  Bacorr.org

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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