[News] Six Years of Gitmo Injustice: Friday 1/11 in SF

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jan 7 15:13:43 EST 2008

Friends and fellow-activists,

This Friday, January 11, 2008, marks the sixth anniversary of the first
detainees' arrival at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay.  Please join us
to participate in a massive, international protest of the atrocious
injustices that Guantanamo embodies and represents.

Act Against Torture and others will join activists in over 60 cities on
three continents to mark this bitter occasion with a somber candlelight
march mourning the demise of humanity and democracy, and demanding an
immediate end to U.S. government practices of torture and indefinite
detention.  In San Francisco, we'll meet at 4pm on the steps of the
federal courthouse at 95 - 7th St (at Mission, near Civic Center BART) and
will march from there to Justin Herman Plaza at the foot of Market Street.

Dressed in orange jumpsuits we'll create a candlelit tableau of chained
prisoners before marching slowly and silently in chains down
Market Street, stopping at crowded plazas and corners (e.g., BART
stations) to re-create our tableau. We'll end in Justin Hermann Plaza and
form our final tableau beside the ice skating rink there.

Please wear orange (we'll have a few extra orange jumpsuits, but not
enough for everyone), or black if you don't have orange clothing. Bring a
flashlight if possible to help light our tableau. We'll bring candles.

What:  Six Years of Guantanamo Injustice:  Candlelight March

When:   4pm, Friday Jan 11, 2008 (ending at approximately 6pm)

Where:  On the steps of the SF Federal Courthouse
         95 - 7th (@ Mission, near Civic Center BART)

         (... or, meet and join us along our route -
         Market St. from 7th St. to Justin Herman Plaza)

Sponsored by:  Act Against Torture, AFSC, and Presente! Affinity Group

More info:  http://www.actagainsttorture.org/events.html#Gitmo6

More info about events in other cities:

If you're not able to join an action in San Francisco or elsewhere, please
wear orange on Friday, wherever you are.  A set of "talking points"
compiled by the ACLU may help you to explain to colleagues, neighbors, and
friends why you're wearing orange to demand Guantanamo's immediate
http://www.aclu.org/pdfs/safefree/closegitmo/gitmo_talkingpoints.pdf .

- Act Against Torture
   ActAgainstTorture at riseup.net

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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