[News] Fidel - on u.s. politicians call for change

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Feb 22 18:05:03 EST 2008



That Tuesday there was no fresh international 
news.  The modest message I wrote to the Cuban 
people on Monday, February 18, was widely and 
easily disseminated.  As from 11 o’clock in the 
morning I started to receive concrete news. The 
previous night I had slept like never before.  I 
had a clear conscience and I had promised myself 
a vacation.  The days of tension, awaiting the 
proximity of February 24, had left me exhausted.

Today I will not say a single word about persons 
very dear to me in Cuba and in the world who in 
many different ways expressed their emotions.  I 
also received a great number of opinions 
collected in the streets through reliable 
methods, which almost without exception and in a 
very spontaneous way conveyed the deepest 
feelings of solidarity.  Someday I shall discuss that issue.

Right now I am focusing on the adversary.  I 
enjoyed watching the embarrassment of every 
United States presidential candidate. One by one 
they all felt compelled to exact urgent demands 
from Cuba to avoid the risk of losing a single 
vote.  Anyone could have thought that I was a 
Pullitzer Prize winner interviewing them on very 
sensitive political and even personal issues for 
the CNN from Las Vegas, a place where the logics 
of the games of chance prevails, and that should 
be humbly visited by anyone running for President.

Fifty years of blockade seemed too little to the 
favorites.  Change! Change! Change! They all cried in unison.

I agree.  Change! But, inside the United States. 
Cuba changed long ago and will now follow a dialectical path.

We will never go back to the past! Cries our people.

Annexation! Annexation! Annexation! Responds the 
adversary. That is what it really means when it speaks about change.

José Martí, unveiling the secret of his silent 
struggle, denounced the voracious and 
expansionistic empire that his brilliant 
intelligence had discovered and described more 
than one century after the enactment of the 
revolutionary Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies.

The end of a historical period is not the same as 
the beginning of the end of an unsustainable system.

All of a sudden, the weakened European powers, 
allied to that system, are exacting the same 
demands.  In their opinion, the time has come to 
dance to the music of democracy and freedom, 
which since the times of Torquemada, they never really knew.

The colonization and neo-colonization of entire 
continents, from which they get energy, raw 
materials, and cheap labor, are a moral discredit to them.

An illustrious Spanish personality, once an 
impeccable socialist and minister of Culture, who 
for some time now and even today has been 
advocating for the war and the use of weapons, is 
the synthesis of sheer nonsense.  Kosovo and its 
unilateral declaration of independence are now 
hunting them as an impertinent nightmare.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, men of flesh and blood 
wearing the United States and NATO uniforms 
continue to die.  The memories of the USSR, which 
disintegrated in part because of the 
interventionist adventure in Afghanistan, are 
chasing the Europeans like a shadow.

Bush senior endorses McCain as his candidate, 
while Bush junior declares in some country of 
Africa –where man originated yesterday and which 
is a martyr continent today- where no one knows 
what he was doing, that my message was the 
beginning of the road towards freedom in Cuba, 
that is to say, the annexation decreed by his 
government in a huge and thick text.

The day before, TV networks from all over the 
world showed a group of state-of-the-art bombers 
performing spectacular maneuvers, giving full 
guarantees that any bombs could be launched, that 
the aircraft that carried them will not be 
detected by radars, and that this will not be considered a war crime.

A protest raised by some important countries had 
to do with the imperial idea of testing a new 
weapon under the pretext of avoiding the possible 
fall on the territory of a foreign country of a 
spy satellite, one of the many artifacts that the 
United States has put into the planet orbit for military purposes.

I had thought not to write a reflection at least 
in 10 days, but I had no right to remain silent 
for so long.  We need to open ideological fire against them.

I wrote this on Tuesday at 3:35 pm.  Yesterday, I 
reviewed it and I will deliver it today, 
Thursday, in the afternoon.  I have begged that 
my reflections be published on the second page or 
any other of our newspapers, never on the front 
page, and that brief summaries of them should be 
published in other media in case they are long.

I am now fully devoted to the effort of casting 
my full-slate vote in support of the Presidency 
of the National Assembly and the new State 
Council, as well as on the right way to do it.

I thank all readers for having waited so patiently.

Fidel Castro Ruz
February 21, 2008
6:34 p.m.

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