[News] Haiti Demonstration 7:30 AM Friday 2-29 in Berkeley

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Feb 18 21:59:42 EST 2008

Shine a light on the role of U.S. Marines in Haiti!

Ø    4 years after the Feb. 29, 2004 US/French coup in Haiti

Ø  4 years after US Marines seized Haiti’s 
capital and installed a US-appointed coup regime

* Haiti is still under foreign military 
occupation, marked by rapes and wanton killings of the poor.

* Since the coup Haiti faces growing hunger, 
unemployment and a spiraling cost of living.

* Haiti’s jails are still filled with political 
prisoners and the poor – while coup plotters & 
paramilitary death squads enjoy impunity.

Join the Haiti Action Committee at the

Marine Recruiting Station

64 Shattuck Square, Berkeley

(1/2 block south of University Avenue; 1/2 block north of Berkeley BART)

Friday, February 29, 2008

for a morning demonstration beginning at

7:30 AM

Join us February 29th, on the 3rd International 
Day in Solidarity with the Haitian People: 
coordinated protests on 4 continents on the 4th 
anniversary of the ongoing US/UN invasion, coup & 
occupation against democracy in Haiti.

Sponsored by Haiti Action 
Information: 510 847 8657

Dear Sisters and Brothers, Friends of Haiti:

The United Nations forces in Haiti (MINUSTAH) and 
Haiti’s tiny elite – backed to the hilt by the 
US, France and Canada – continue their repression 
of the poor majority, targeting especially 
supporters of the Lavalas grassroots democracy 
movement. Although a new President Rene Preval 
was elected in 2006, most functionaries from the 
US-installed coup regime of 2004-06 remain in 
office today. And the reins of power remain 
effectively in the hands of the US Embassy and other foreign occupation forces.

Let us not forget that 200 years before the 2004 
coup, Haitians rose up and overthrew both slavery 
and colonial rule. The Haitian Revolution was an 
earth-shattering development in the struggle for 
the emancipation of labor all over the world, and remains our shining example.

Now, when the enemies of freedom and sovereignty 
are attempting to re-colonize and re-enslave 
Haiti, we need to act in solidarity with our 
Haitian brothers and sisters, in the spirit of their resistance.

See you at 7:30 a.m., Friday, Feb. 29th, 2008 - 
at the Marine Recruiting Station in Berkeley!

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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