[News] Support needed for Northern Route of The Longest Walk!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Feb 17 14:53:44 EST 2008

Support is urgently needed for the Northern Route of The Longest Walk!

The route is currently heading from Shingle Springs to Pollock
Pines and needs supplies of warm clothing, food, and monetary
donations as they head towards the snowy regions of Nevada, Utah, and

Donations are tax-deductible through:


Community Futures Collective
221 Idora Avenue, Vallejo, CA 94591

Morning Star Gali
CA Coordinator
mstargali at gmail.com

California attempting to stop Longest Walk Northern Route
By Brenda Norrell,
Posted on Fri Feb 15th, 2008 at 03:13:38 PM EST
Longest Walk runners risk arrests today to continue
SHINGLE SPRINGS, Calif. ­ The Longest Walk 2 Northern Route is
combating an attempt by the California Department of Transportation
to stop the sacred walk.

Jimbo Simmons, coordinator for the Longest Walk 2 northern route,
said the California Department of Transportation is attempting to
halt the walk now leaving Shingle Springs and heading east.

"We're going to walk today, even if we are going to be arrested,"
Simmons said on the live northern route broadcast on
www.earthcycles.net/ from Shingle Springs Miwok Nation. "They can't
stop us."

"We have permission. Grandfather Creator has given us the
permission," Simmons said. "We're going to do it. If we have to walk
over the mountain, we are going to do it."

Simmons asked people to call Julio Elver, chief officer on permits,
530-741-4403, and demand that permission be given for the sacred walk
to continue through California to Nevada.

"Every step is a prayer," Simmons said. The walkers are now being
joined by long distance runners. "In time of need, we call our runners."
Simmons said the sacred walk is underway because of the issue of
survival for Mother Earth, to halt the destruction of the Earth, and
for the continuance of the sacred way of life of Indigenous Peoples.

"This is a continuation of this 500 year struggle. The Longest Walk
is one way of making those views known," Simmons said.

When the first walk departed Alcatraz in 1978, Congress was
attempting to abrogate treaties. While some progress was made, the
struggle continues as is obvious today in the attempts by California
to halt the sacred walk.

Today, Friday, Feb. 15, young Miwok runners, including a group of
fifth graders assisting with the sacred ceremonies, will run toward
the snowline at the summit.

"We are in prayer. All of this land is our temple," Simmons said as
runners gathered at noon.

Please call the Department of Transportation and demand that the
Longest Walk be given permission to proceed without arrest.

--Brenda Norrell, on the northern route
brendanorrell at gmail.com

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