[News] Historic Regional “Mega Summit” in Brazil

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Thu Dec 18 18:44:32 EST 2008

Venezuela’s Chávez Participates in Historic Regional “Mega Summit” in Brazil

Erik Sperling - Venezuelanalysis.com

Carora, December 18, 2008 
(venezuelanalysis.com)-- Venezuelan President 
Hugo Chávez participated in the two day "mega 
summit" in Brazil that included four meetings of 
regional organizations, joining leaders from 33 
Latin American and Caribbean nations, which aim 
to confront the world financial crisis with 
increased regional economic and political integration.

The countries faulted the wealthy nations for 
causing the world financial crisis and agreed to 
remain united in demanding a new international 
financial structure that guarantees democracy and 
transparency. In the summit's final declaration, 
the countries agreed to study the creation of a 
regional currency, a proposal made by Chavez and 
other member countries of the Bolivarian 
Alternative for the Americas trade bloc (ALBA).

The summit included the first Latin American and 
Caribbean Summit on Integration and Development, 
as well as meetings of the Common Market of the 
South (Mercosur), the Union of South American 
Nations (Unasur), and the Grupo del Rio, a 
policy-coordinating organization comprised of 23 countries in the region.

Chavez highlighted the historic nature of the 
gathering in Costa do Sauípe, which included 
Cuba's official entrance in the Grupo de Rio, as 
well as a special statement from the full 33 
member summit demanding the United States 
government end its economic blockade against the 
island, implemented nearly five decades ago.

"What makes this summit historic is that, for the 
first time, it has been with the necessary 
presence of Cuba," said Chavez. "Cuba returned 
where it should have always been."

The United States and Canada were notably not 
invited to the summit convened by Brazilian 
President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, which to 
Chavez signified "the start of a new era... the 
United States doesn't rule here anymore."

Also absent were the presidents of Colombia, El 
Salvador, and Peru, three of the region's top U.S. allies.

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa said that the 
summit indicated the end of "scared, puppet 
governments, who had to ask permission to make sovereign decisions."

The nations in attendance, including some US 
allies, such as Mexico, agreed to work to form an 
organization excluding the economic giant to the north.

"We hope to celebrate the bicentennial of the 
anniversary of our countries with a real regional 
organization," said Mexican President Felipe Calderon.

On the first day of the summit, the 12 members of 
Unasur, which includes Venezuela, agreed to create a joint defense council.

The approval of the defense council, which was 
not expected to happen on Tuesday, will help 
integrate defense ministers and armed forces of 
the participating nations, improving confidence 
between nations, and allowing for joint military 
training and manufacturing of weaponry, according 
to Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim. He 
assured, however, it would not be a "traditional military alliance."

The body also approved the creation of the South 
American Health Council, which will unite 
ministers of the area with the goal of creating 
regional health programs jointly financed by the organization.

Earlier in the day, the Mercosur meeting was 
held, but without the presence of Venezuelan 
President Chavez, who arrived late due to 
scheduling issues. Despite delays in the approval 
of Venezuela`s full membership, which awaits 
congressional approval from Paraguay and Brazil, 
Chavez said that his country already feels like part of the trade bloc.

"We are Mercosur," he declared.

In his speech to the full summit, Chavez proposed 
the creation of a regional fund, suggesting that 
each nation contribute one percent of their 
reserves, which together total US$ 500 billion.

Chavez said the fund would include a joint 
currency, possibly called Sucre or Pacha, as well 
as a fund for development projects.

"Only through this system, our system, can we 
have a say in the world," Chavez said in his 
speech, in which he asked for "concrete results" 
from the summit, which agreed to study the proposal in its final declaration.

Chavez denied any struggle over regional 
leadership with Brazil's popular president, Lula. 
"They ask me if Chavez and Lula are jealous. I 
tell them they can keep wasting their time," Chavez said, while Lula chuckled.

Lula later reflected on Chavez's role as a 
pioneer of the progressive changes in the region.

"In eight years there has been an extraordinary 
change in Latin America. There was a time that 
Chavez was alone. Who would have imagined Evo 
Morales as president of Bolivia ten years ago, or 
a bishop of Liberation Theology as the president 
of Paraguay? This [summit] is thanks to the 
change in the ideological profile in Latin America," he concluded.

Source URL (retrieved on Dec 18 2008 - 19:46): 

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