[News] Katrina Commemoration and Community Forum - Oakland Friday, 8/29

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Aug 27 18:02:36 EDT 2008

Katrina Commemoration and Community Forum
Friday, August 29th
6 – 9 pm
Eastside Cultural Center
2277 International Blvd.

Includes a film showing of "Dos Americas: the 
Reconstruction of New Orleans", produced by 
Upheaval Productions at 

In Solidarity with the peoples' of New Orleans 
and the Gulf Coast – Right of Return, 
Reconstruction, and Self-Determination. In 
collaboration with Huaxtec, Eastside Arts 
Alliance, Final Friday's Films, Katrina 
Solidarity Network, and Right to the City.

For more information please contact the Malcolm X 
Grassroots Movement at <mailto:mxgmoakland at gmail.com>mxgmoakland at gmail.com.

Free the Land!
Free All Political Prisoners!

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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