[News] International Support Floods in to Bolivian Government

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Fri Apr 25 15:22:49 EDT 2008


International Support Floods in to Bolivian Government
Por   /  Viernes, 25 de Abril del 2008 / 9:00:19  /

Renowned figures from around the world are making a call denouncing a 
conspiracy by the Bolivian oligarchy, supported by the United States, 
to try to dismantle the country.

More than 200 individuals have already singed a document by the In 
Defense of Humanity Network that began circulating at a press 
conference given by Bolivian President Evo Morales on Monday during 
the opening of the seventh session of the UN Permanent Forum on 
Indigenous Issues.

Those who have already signed the document in support of the Morales 
government and the political changes in that country include: Nobel 
Peace Prize winners Adolfo Perez Esquivel (Argentina) and Rigoberta 
Menchu (Guatemala), architect Oscar Niemeyer (Brazil), author Eduardo 
Galeano (Uruguay), historian Howard Zinn (US), author and political 
analyst Noam Chomsky (US), political analyst Ricard Gott (Great 
Britain), French-Spanish journalist Ignacio Ramonet, former US 
Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Nicaraguan poet Ernesto Cardenal, 
Mexican novelist Elena Poniatowska, Spanish playwright Alfonso Saste, 
Brazilian poet Thiago de Mello, Puerto Rican independence activists 
Juan Mari Bras and Rafael Cancel Miranda, and musicinas Manu Chao 
(French-Spanish), Silvio Rodriguez (Cuba), Danny Rivera (Puerto 
Rico), Victor Victor (Dominican Rep.), Victor Heredia (Argentina), 
Cecilia Todd (Venezuela) and Pancho Villa (Chile).

Numerous Cuban individuals also signed the document that warns: "The 
subversive and anti-constitutional actions by groups of the oligarchy 
hope to divide the Bolivian nation, and reflect the racist and 
elitist mentality of those groups, and constitutes a very dangerous 
precedent, not only for the integrity of the state, but also for 
others in our region." / Pedro de la Hoz

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