[News] Oakland - World Premier of The Sisyphus Syndrome May 8-10

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Apr 18 11:03:05 EDT 2008



  Elena Serrano: 510-508-9173 elenas at mindspring.com
  Maisha Quint: 510-866-7604 maisha.quint at gmail.com
  EastSide Arts Alliance:  510-533-6629 


World Premier of The Sisyphus Syndrome

Oakland, CA:  The Sisyphus Syndrome is a newly 
commissioned jazz opera by poet and playwright 
Amiri Baraka and saxophonist and composer David 
Murray.  This groundbreaking and timely project 
details the African-American struggle in the 
United States using poetry, live music, dance and mixed media.

David Murray will lead The Freedom Now! Band, and 
Amiri Baraka is directing the piece in addition 
to being a featured performer. Dancers, actors, 
and digital design round out the production to 
make it a compelling, insightful piece that 
offers both a historical perspective and a road 
map for the future. This collaborative effort to 
create a  modern urban opera merging two of the 
most active, sometimes controversial, and always 
cutting-edge artists in contemporary literature 
and music promises to introduce challenging 
social commentary and innovative concepts.

When describing this unique partnership Baraka 
says, “We want the music and words to extend to 
each other, be parts of the same expression, 
different pieces of the whole.”  Murray says, 
“The subject has got to be America and what 
America is trying to be, so lets make an opera about what it can be.”

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

May 8, 9, 10

EastSide Cultural Center

2277 International Blvd.

Oakland, CA 94606


$20 General Admission

$10 Students up to 19 years old (with student ID)

Discounted group rates for students available, call 510.533.6629

The EastSide Arts Alliance (ESAA) is a group of 
artists and community activists of color who live 
and work in the Lower San Antonio neighborhood of 
East Oakland.  Having recently purchased a 
multi-use building that is the site of the new 
EastSide Cultural Center, ESAA is poised to be a 
part of the new cultural renaissance that Oakland 
represents.  <http://www.eastsideartsalliance.org/>www.eastsideartsalliance.org

EastSide Arts 
Alliance   • 

PO Box 17008

2277 International Blvd.

Oakland, CA  94606


Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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