[News] Venezuela sends 364 tons of food to Haiti

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Apr 14 12:40:16 EDT 2008

Venezuela sends 364 tons of food to Haiti
 2008-04-14 09:35:48

     CARACAS, April 13 (Xinhua) -- A fleet of airplanes carrying 364 
tons of food for humanitarian help took off on Sunday from Venezuela to Haiti.

     President Hugo Chavez said the shipment is to help relieve the 
crisis in Haiti that has plagued the country for the last nine days.

     Since last week, Haiti has been the scene of disturbance due to 
a sharp hike in food prices. The situation has also led to many 
deaths, including a 36-year old Nigerian soldier from the UN 
peace-keeping forces attempting to stabilize the situation in Haiti.

     The humanitarian aid from Venezuela includes tons of meat, 
chicken, ham, milk, vegetables, olive oil and lentils, according to 
President Chavez.

     The commander-in-chief of Venezuela assured that the 
humanitarian gesture would be accompanied by strong security.

Editor: Du Guodong

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