[News] Oppose El Salvador's Presidential visit to SF - Friday, 4/4 Noon - City Hall

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Apr 2 17:37:17 EDT 2008

Date: Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 12:21 PM

dear friends,

anyone who's disgusted with Newsom's public 
housing and bay view hunter's point takeover, the 
gang injunctions, ICE raids, kickbacks for his 
friends at Lennar and in city hall, the enormous 
deficit he heaped on us, etc. should come to the 
protest and draw the parallels between his 
leadership and the puppet leadership in El 
Salvador... why would he pay homage to the leader 
of this death squad party, ARENA?    this party 
who's trying to sell off El Salvador piece by 
piece to transnational investors, allowing death 
squads to reform through the civilian policing 
structure.  Newsom and Saca are birds of a feather.

the photos that will come from this PR stunt 
(which is closed to the press) will be used in 
the Salvadoran press, elections brochures, and 
business magazines to paint ARENA a friend of 
"liberal San Francisco" and El Salvador a "new 
frontier in foreign investment".

we need your presence on Friday!  support the SF 
CISPES committee in making several attempts to 
shut this corrupt president and our rogue mayor out of city hall!

Rally at city hall at 12:00 on Friday, April 4th

English follows...


El Domingo 30 de Marzo se anunció en los 
periodicos de El Salvador que el Presidente Saca 
vendrá a la Ciudad de San Francisco y que el 
alcalde de esta ciudad declarará el 4 de Abril 
como "el Día del Presidente Saca."

Esto es ofensivo para las y los salvadoreños 
viviendo en SF así como tambien para otros 
residents de dicha ciudad, ya que este presidente 
Saca representa a una dictadura disfrazada de 
civil pero que solo es la continuación de las 
dictaduras militares represivas del pasado en El 
Salvador. Este "presidente" que además fue electo 
presidente luego de una campaña electoral de 
miedo hacia el pueblo salvadoreño es 
representante de un gobierno que ha hundido al 
pueblo salvadoreño en la extrema pobreza y que 
además a entregado la soberanía de El Salvador a 
los EEUU. El Salvador es el único pais en America 
Latina que forma parte de la Coalición invasora 
en Irak.  Y un presidente amante de la Guerra no 
puede ser honorado en esta ciudad!

El Alcalde de San Francisco Gavin Newsom va a 
honorar al presidente Saca declarando el 4 de 
Abril como 'el Día del Presidente Saca' 
contradiciendo así los principios de esta ciudad 
progresista y de resistencia contra las politicas excluyentes y las invasions.
Por eso CISPES (Comite en Solidaridad con el 
Pueblo de El Salvador) invita a todos los 
aliados, amigos del Pueblo de El Salvador a 
protestar la presencia de Saca y a tomar acción 
para detener esta proclamación del día de Saca por parte del alcalde de SF.

1. Asistir a las protestas frente a la alcaldía 
de SF este viernes el 4 de abril a las 12:00 
(mediodía). Tenemos que mostrar que SACA NO ESTÁ BIENVENIDO en San Francisco!
2. Llamar a la alcaldía a (415) 554-6141 y enviar 
e-mails al alcalde a 
<mailto:gavin.newsom at sfgov.org>gavin.newsom at sfgov.org lo más pronto posible

Aquí incluimos un ejemplo que usted puede usar 
para llamar o e-mail al alcalde (vea abajo).

On March 30th, a Salvadoran newspaper announced 
the visit of Presidente Saca to the City of San 
Francisco and that Mayor Gavin Newsom will 
declare April 4th "The Day of President Saca."

This act is an offense to the Salvadoran 
community in the city, because this President 
represents a dictatorship disguised as civil but 
merely a continuation of repressive military 
regimes of the past. This "president," who was 
only elected by a massive fear campaign waged 
against the Salvadoran people, represents a 
government that has plunged El Salvador into 
extreme poverty and has handed over the 
sovereignty of El Salvador to the United States. 
Furthermore, El Salvador is the only Latin 
American country that has troops in Iraq as part 
of the Coalition of Invaders--a war-loving 
President cannot be honored in this city!

Gavin Newsom will honor Saca by declaring April 
4th as the "Day of President Saca", an act that 
contradicts the principles of this city that is 
always protesting against wars, invasions and 
exclusionary policies. That is why CISPES 
(Committee in Solidarity with the People of El 
Salvador) is calling our allies to take action by:

1. Joining us this Friday at a demonstration at 
City Hall at 12:00 noon. We must show that Saca 
is not welcome in San Francisco!
2. Calling the Mayor at (415) 554-6141 or sending 
him emails at 
<mailto:gavin.newsom at sfgov.org>gavin.newsom at sfgov.org as soon as possible!

Here is a sample message that you can send or use to call Mayor Newsom.

I am writing/calling to express my opposition to 
your declaration of April 4 as the "Day of 
Antonio Saca," President of El Salvador.  The 
level of state repression in El Salvador, 
especially violent attacks on youth and on the 
social movement, has risen dramatically under 
Saca and the city of San Francisco should not 
honor him in any way. Did you know that his 
government recently tried to send peaceful 
protesters to jail for 60 years under charges of terrorism?

Your visit with him is deeply offensive to the 
Salvadoran community in San Francisco that has 
been forced out of their country by the economic 
policies of free trade and privatization that 
Saca's government has pushed and whose family 
members are now living under a civil 
dictatorship. How can the City of San Francisco 
honor such a government? Will you withhold your declaration on Friday?

Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
Western States Development Coordinator
<mailto:heyward.cispes at gmail.com>heyward.cispes at gmail.com

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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