[News] International Tribunal Issues Preliminary Findings + How to Support the International Tribunal

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Sep 6 17:46:59 EDT 2007

Contact: Monifa Bandele (917) 407- 3018

International Tribunal Issues Preliminary Findings
Bush, Blanco, Nagin Committed Crimes against Humanity

New Orleans—
Between August 29, 2007 and September 2, 2007, a 
Tribunal of 16 esteemed jurists from nine 
countries, including Algeria, Brazil, France, 
Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mexico, South Africa, 
Venezuela, and the United States,  convened in 
New Orleans to hear testimony by experts and 
survivors of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

After hearing nearly 30 hours of testimony by 
hurricane survivors and experts – covering 
government neglect and negligence in 15 areas, 
ranging from police brutality to environmental 
racism, from misappropriation of relief to 
gentrification, the jurists announced their preliminary findings.

Jill Soffiyah Elijah, the Deputy Director of the 
Criminal Justice Institute at Harvard Law School 
and Coordinating Justice for the International 
Tribunal on Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 
announced the Tribunal's preliminary findings, 
"It is our view that the US Government has 
committed crimes against humanity particularly in 
relation to its failure to maintain functional 
levees that should have protected the City of New 
Orleans from flooding
.it was the reckless 
disregard and, in some instances, negligence of 
the US government, the state of Louisiana and the 
city of New Orleans that created the devastation we continue to see today."

Elijah also announced that the Tribunal made 
preliminary findings that the federal, state and 
local governments are guilty of violating the 
human rights to life, dignity and recognition of 
personhood; the right to be free from racial 
discrimination-- especially  as it pertains to 
the actions of law enforcement personnel and 
vigilantes; the right to return, resettlement and 
reintegration of internally displaced persons; 
the right to be free from degrading treatment and 
punishment; the right to freedom of movement; the 
right to adequate housing and education; the 
right to vote and participate in governance and 
the right to a fair trial, the right to liberty 
and security of person and the right to equal 
protection under the law. Both actions and 
failure to act by the governments had 
disproportionate devastating impact with respect to race and gender.

The jurists announced that they would deliver 
their final verdict December 8, 2007—the second 
anniversary of the Katrina Survivors' 
Assembly.  In the meantime, prosecutors will be 
submitting additional evidence and videotaped 
affidavits from an additional 25 survivors.

The prosecution team included experienced 
attorneys from respected legal associations 
around the country: the ACLU of New York, 
National Economic and Social Rights Initiative, 
the US Human Rights Network, the National 
Conference of Black Lawyers, the Center for 
Constitutional Rights, National Lawyers Guild, 
the Center for Law and Social Justice at Medgar 
Evers College, the NAACP Legal Defense and 
Education Fund, Mississippi Workers Center for 
Human Rights, Washington DC Legal Defender, 
Mississippi Disaster Relief Coalition, 
International Association of Democratic Lawyers, 
Legal Empowerment Center and the Louisiana Justice Initiative.

The Tribunal Conveners—representing movements for 
justice on four continents—reminded Tribunal 
participants and witnesses of the solemnity of 
their task. Lybon Mabasa, a founding member with 
Stephen Biko of the Black Consciousness Movement 
w in South Africa, insisted, "We must hold these 
criminal governments to account in order to stop 
the world from sinking into barbarism and to make 
the world one where life is worth living."


For samples of videotaped testimony, contact Monifa Bandele at (917) 407-3018


Greetings family, friends, neighbors, and comrades!

Thank you all for supporting the International 
Tribunal on Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Your 
participation, along with delegations from nine 
countries, made the Tribunal a success. For the 
first time, the public—both in the US and the 
world—had the opportunity to hear a comprehensive 
account of the crimes committed against the 
people of New Orleans and the Gulf. And, for the 
first time, an esteemed panel of international 
jurists gave careful consideration to charges of 
crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, 
genocide and other violations committed by the US government.

However, if we are to gain restitution, justice 
and the right of return for all those displaced 
and forcibly removed, a tremendous amount of work 
remains. Join us in spreading the word about the 
Tribunal demands and building a strong 
reconstruction movement grounded in human rights 
principles to win the right to return. Below are 
a few suggestions offered by Tribunal 
organizers—including the attached petition—to 
advance the reconstruction movement.

As Lybon Mabasa, Tribunal Convener from South 
Africa,  advised as he closed the proceedings, 
"We adjourn the Tribunal for today, but even 
greater work lies ahead. Only by committing 
ourselves to this struggle will we save ourselves 
from sinking into barbarism."

How to Support the International Tribunal

1.    Build a Solidarity Committee in your city, 
region or state to continue the struggle for a 
just reconstruction and against ethnic cleansing in the Gulf Coast.
2.    Join the PHRF action alert network at 

3.    Conduct a report back about the Tribunal 
and the Gulf Coast Reconstruction Movement with 
your members and supporters. Call 504.301.0215 for speakers and video.
4.    Organize a teach-in or community forum in 
your city, region, or state with members of the 
Tribunal organizing committee to aid with the 
national mobilization effort for the Tribunal and Survivors Assembly.
5.    Agitate on the demands and recommendations 
stemming from the Tribunal by asking civic, 
labor, political, and religious organizations in 
your area to sign on as endorsers. The prosecution called for:
•    Reparations
•    Prosecution of Bush, Blanco, Barbour, Nagin, 
FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers, and Homeland 
Security for crimes against humanity
•    International and national support for the 
right of return and reconstruction with justice and dignity
6.    Support the Tribunal Petition Drive to 
demand the right of return, adherence to the IDP 
principles, and federal works project by asking 
your members and supporters to gather signatures 
in your area. Petitions are available at either 
or <http://www.peopleshurricane.org/>www.peopleshurricane.org .
7.    Contact the various government officials in 
your city, region, and state and demand that they 
support legislation that recognizes the IDP 
status of Hurricane Survivors, provides 
restitution for Hurricane Survivors, supports the 
Gulf Coast Civic Works project, and holds all 
parties responsible for crimes against humanity liable for their actions.
8.    Support the calls for censures, boycotts, 
and direct action issued by the Tribunal 
organizers and Survivors Assembly to pressure the 
US government to accept the demands and recommendations of the Tribunal.
9.    Support the International mobilization for 
the Tribunal by promoting its findings, verdict, 
and demands to your international contacts and 
allied organizations. Encourage them to start 
resolution initiatives, petition drives, and 
calls for international solidarity and action.
10.    Demand that all Presidential candidates 
take a stand in support of the findings of the 
Tribunal, reparations, a just reconstruction, and 
the right of return for all Gulf Coast IDP's.
11.    Raise funds to provide ongoing financial 
support to the Tribunal organizers to publish and 
distribute the findings, continuing raising 
awareness, and pursue national and international litigation.

In Unity and Struggle,
Kali Akuno
PHRF Executive Director

Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

Stay tuned to 
for updates. Also please send pictures for thorough documentation.

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