[News] White Supremacist Posts Addresses & Phone Numbers of Jena 6 Families

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Sep 23 17:51:56 EDT 2007

Subject: White Supremacist Posts Addresses & Phone Numbers of Jena 6 Families



Pam Spaulding: White supremacist William A. White is trying to stir 
up violence by posting lynching threats alongside their contact info

This post, written by Pam Spaulding, originally appeared on Pam's House Blend

On the heels of Mychal Bell not receiving bail, the story of the Jena 
6 continues to roil all sides.

Mychal Bell, the sole defendant who remains behind bars from
the group of teens known as the "Jena 6," will not be released 
Friday, a court decided.

Bell, 17, has been in jail since his arrest more than nine months 
ago. It was not immediately clear what happened in court Friday, 
where Bell's attorneys had planned to push for his release.

In what is not a surprising, but sad development, a white supremacist 
organization is being monitored by the FBI.

William A. White is trying to stir up violence by posting addresses 
and phone numbers of the Jena 6 family on his web site, proclaiming: 
"Lynch the Jena 6." He operates out of Roanoke, Virginia:
William A. White also listed some of the defendants' telephone 
numbers, urging his readers to "Get in touch, and let them know 
justice is coming."

The review came as protesters gathered Thursday in Jena, the site of 
racial unrest since last summer. After a black student asked the 
school for permission to sit under a tree where white students 
traditionally gathered, three nooses were found hanging from the 
tree. Months later, the Jena Six were charged with beating a white student.

On his Web site, White complained of "agitators" who were demanding acquittals.

A posting Thursday afternoon that contained contact information for 
the six youths was headlined: "Addresses of Jena 6 N-----s; In case 
anyone wants to deliver justice."

In a second item, White was quoted as saying: "If these n------s are 
released or acquitted, we will find out where they live and make sure 
that white activists and white citizens in Louisiana know it ... in 
order to find someone willing to deliver justice."

The Southern Poverty Law Center has details on the other sites and 
groups fomenting violence in light of the march and search for 
justice in Jena. Take the bleatings at the neo-Nazi Vanguard News Network:
"I think a group of White men with AK rifles loaded with high 
capacity magazines should close in on the troop of howler monkeys 
from all sides and compress them into a tight group, and then White 
men in the buildings on both sides of the shitskinned hominids shall 
throw Molotov cocktails from above to cleanse the nigs by fire," 
wrote "NS Cat" on VNN.

Another poster fantasized about a terrorist attack in Jena today: 
"Wouldn't that be sweet? Gosh darn, wouldn't that be sweet? Good LORD 
wouldn't THAT be SWeeeeEET? Boom, Boom, no more Coon! Well? A White 
man can dream can't he?"

As former White House press secretary Tony Snow said on an October 
2003 edition of Fox News Sunday: "Here's the unmentionable secret: 
Racism isn't that big a deal any more. No sensible person supports 
it. Nobody of importance preaches it. It's rapidly becoming an ugly memory."

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