[News] Oral Arguments in the slavery disclosure lawsuit, Chicago 11/9

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Oct 31 11:20:03 EDT 2007

For Immediate Release!
Please Forward!

Oral Arguments in the historic and precedent-setting qui tam and
slavery disclosure lawsuit, which is captioned City of Chicago ex rel.
Bob Brown v. Archdiocese of Chicago, et al.
will be heard at 10:00 am, on Friday, November 9, 2007, in Courtroom
2607 at the Daley Center, 45 West Washington Street, in Chicago. Judge
Rita M. Novak presiding.

As you are perhaps aware, Defendants, the Archdiocese of Chicago,
Willis of Illinois (Lloyd's of London's partner), American Airlines
(British Airlines' partner), United Airlines (Air Canada's and Air
Iberia's partners), Maximus and Unison-Maximus (managers of airport
concessions space including Duty Free, McDonalds, etc.), JP Morgan
Chase and Bank One,  Bank of America, ABN AMRO and LaSalle Bank, and
Citigroup are accused of (1) commiting hundreds of counts of perjury
on their Economic Disclosure Statements, which include the Slavery Era
Disclosure Affidavit, and (2) submitting false claims on almost $5
billion in contracts with the City of Chicago. We demand full
compliance with the Chicago Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinance, $15
billion in civil penalties and fines, and legal fees.

Similar violations of Slavery Era Disclosure Ordinances have also been
committed by these Defendants, their affiliated entities, and other
contractors, in Philadelphia, Detroit, Wayne County, Milwaukee, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley and Richmond, California.

Defendants submitted a Joint Motion for Dismissal of our lawsuit in
Chicago. The Court has been fully briefed by all parties, and oral
arguments on this dismisal motion will be heard on November 9th. You
will not want to miss this Hearing!

We invite all of our supporters and friends to join us at the Daley
Center on November 9, 2007 and to bear witness to this historic
encounter in our centuries long and unyielding struggle for
accountability for the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, slavery, and
slave-like practices and conditions, including colonialism and
settler-colonialism, racism and white supremacy, segregation and

Without your past and continuing support, we could not have filed this
lawsuit and pursued it this far. Victory is certain!

For those of you who can not come to Chicago, please send us an email,
no later than 5:00 pm EST on Monday, November 5, 2007, expressing your
solidarity and support. We will copy all emails received, bind and
file them with the Court on Tuesday.

Email your solidarity and support to:

Bob Brown
paroots02 at yahoo.com

Address your email to:

Judge Rita M. Novak
Circuit Court of Cook County
45 West Washington Street, Room 2607
Chicago, IL

Re: City of Chicago ex rel. Bob Brown vs Archdiocese of Chicago, et al.

For more information, contact:

Banbose Shango
(202) 544-9355

Thank you again for your past support. We need and ask for your help 
once again!

Stay Strong!

Bob Brown
Pan-African Roots

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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