[News] Preserving Histories in the Face of Oppression, Oct 22 - Oakland

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Oct 11 11:17:54 EDT 2007

Arab Resource and Organizing Center
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Oakland Chapter

Preserving Histories in the Face of Oppression
Palestinian Oral Historians Building Solidarity
with Black/New Afrikan Communities

Monday, October 22nd, 7pm
310 Eighth St at Harrison, Oakland (12th St or Lake Merritt Bart)
Asian Resource Center, Room 101

Donations Requested, to help our speakers cover their travel from Palestine.

"I can describe my villages in such details as if I have lived there 
all my life. I can tell you the color of the tree near the mosque, 
the smell of the flowers in my grandmother's garden. I can tell you 
every story, event and every battle that took place in that village."
Dr. Samir Awad

Faced with displacement and Diaspora, renaming and claiming of 
destroyed homelands, Palestinian and Black/New Afrikan Historians 
maintain their histories through traditions of folklore, humor, 
family legacy, art, music and politics.   Speakers will talk about 
past and present displacements, the current political situations 
arising out of them, and the struggle to maintain histories for liberation.

Dr. Sonia Nimr is a historian; she teaches at Birzeit University in 
Ramallah,  Palestine, and has been active in Palestinian's politics 
for over 40 years.

Dr. Elias Akleh is an Arab writer of Palestinian descent, born in the 
town of Beit-Jala. Currently he lives and teaches in the US.

Speaker from Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, 
TBD.  <http://www.mxgm.org/>www.mxgm.org

For more details, to donate, or sponsor, contact:  415.861.7444
~ <http://www.araborganizing.org/>www.araborganizing.org ~ 
<mailto:justice at araborganizing.org>justice at araborganizing.org ~

Arab Resource and Organizing Center

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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