[News] We All Live In Jena, Even In DC

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Oct 8 11:09:53 EDT 2007

From: FreeMix Radio <freemixradio at voxunion.com>

swastikas scrawled on his chest while tied up.
October 5, 2007

       *A black student at a secondary school for the hearing
impaired in Washington D.C. was held against his will and marked
with racist comments during an incident last weekend.

       The words "KKK" and swastikas were drawn on the skin of the
deaf victim, who was tied up for about 45 minutes before being
released, according to Metro Police Chief Cathy Lanier. He quickly
notified dorm and school authorities, who called police.

        Police have identified and interviewed the students involved
and the "investigation is ongoing," Lanier said Wednesday. As of
press time, no charges had been filed, and no names have been
released. The incident, however, could result in criminal charges
with "enhanced penalties for a hate crime," said Lanier.

       Trouble started brewing when a group of black students and a
group of white students began rough-housing in a dorm. "My
understanding is the two groups engaged in friendly horseplay,"
Lanier said. But, she added, the groups got "angry with each other."

        The two groups separated, she said, but later, six white
students and one black student -- all between the ages of 15 and 19
-- took one of the black students into a dorm room and "held him
there against his will."

        "They used markers to write 'KKK' and draw swastikas on the
student," Lanier said. They also tied up his hands so he was unable
to communicate in sign language.

       The residential high school is located on the campus of
Gallaudet University, a higher education facility for deaf and hard
of hearing people. The high school is administered as a division of
the university's Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center.

        Dean of Clerc Center Katherine A. Jankowski said the seven
students who participated in the incident were sent home. Gallaudet
provost Stephen Weiner said the school does "not tolerate any
action, behavior of this type."

        "We are taking action," he said. "We are looking at programs
to help students understand we are a school with a diverse
This incident is intolerable. That's why the Metro
police are involved. That's how serious we are about this incident."

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