[News] LA - Fast to free Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Nov 16 12:49:17 EST 2007


Fast to free Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine

Published Nov 15, 2007 1:14 AM

Margaret Prescod, Global Women’s Strike;
Danny Glover; John Parker, IAC;
Hank Jones, one of the San Francisco 8.
WW photo: Maggie Vascassenno

Danny Glover headlined the launching of a 24-hour 
fast every Tuesday, initiated by Global Women’s 
Strike in Los Angeles, to protest the kidnapping 
in Haiti of Haitian human rights activist 
Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine. The action was organized 
by the Ad Hoc Working Group on Haiti consisting 
of Global Women’s Strike, the International 
Action Center, Pan African Activist Coalition, 
ANSWER, CISPES/LA and the Coalition in Solidarity 
with Haiti. Signs read “Return Lovinsky 
Pierre-Antoine, End Occupation.” Glover stated 
that since Haiti is “under the radar” in terms of 
corporate media coverage, actions like these are important.
Another Hollywood star came upon the 
demonstration and decided to join the one-day 
fast. Jimmy Jean-Louis plays “the Haitian” on the 
TV series “Heroes” and is in fact Haitian. He 
said he saw the demonstration while driving by 
and decided to stop and show support. Another 
Hollywood star came upon the demonstration and 
decided to join the one-day fast. Jimmy 
Jean-Louis plays “the Haitian” on the TV series 
“Heroes” and is in fact Haitian. He said he saw 
the demonstration while driving by and decided to stop and show support.
—John Parker
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