[News] April 7: Evening in Solidarity w/ Katrina Survivors - Centro del Pueblo, SF

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Mar 26 19:32:56 EDT 2007


Join Us For an Evening in Solidarity with the Katrina Survivors!

Fundraiser to Build Support for the
International Tribunal on Katrina and
the Second Survivors Assembly (end of August 2007)

Date: Saturday, April 7, 2007

Time: 7-9 p.m.

Place: Centro del Pueblo, 474 Valencia St. (@16th St in the Mission 
District, one block from Mission-16th St. BART station) in San Francisco

Keynote Speaker:

Kali Akuno, Executive Director, People's Hurricane Relief 
Fund-Oversight Committee (PHRF-OC)

Also Solidarity Statements from:

Clarence Thomas, Co-Chair, Million Worker March Movement

Daniel Gluckstein, Coordinator, International Liaison Committee of 
Workers and People (ILC), France

Javad Jahi, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement

Chloe Underdue, Revolution Youth, Mission High School, SF


"Down But Not Out" -- A Film on the Katrina Survivors by David Zlutnick

and Music by Leith Kahl and Spoken Word by Bay Area artists

Sponsored by:

PHRF-OC, Bay Area Katrina Solidarity Committee, Million Worker March 
Movement, International Liaison Committee of Workers and Peoples, 
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Revolution Youth, and The Organizer newspaper

(If you cannot attend, please send a financial contribution to build 
support for the Katrina Tribunal and the Second Survivors Assembly -- 
both of which will be held at the end of August 2007. Make check 
payable to PHRF and send to PHRF-OC, 1418 N. Clairborne #2, New 
Orleans, LA 70116. Please mark April 7 SF Fundraiser on Memo line of 
your check.)

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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