[News] Palestine - On the occasion of International Women's Day

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Mar 8 14:43:28 EST 2007

On the occasion of International Women's Day

(Jerusalem) Maisa Abu Ghazaleh
Thursday, 08 March 2007

Palestinian women participate in government, are leaders in the 
national struggle, go out to work and stay in to work. On the 
occasion of International Women's Day, in meetings, lunches and art 
exhibitions, Palestinian women are honored.

Their pasts are full of sacrifice with futures unknown as the 
occupation still controls their destiny. For the occasion, 
Palestinian women demonstrated at Qalandiya Checkpoint in Ramallah 
where they were forcibly dispersed by Israeli soldiers.

Legislative Council and Fateh member, Jihad Abu Zneid,  paid tribute 
to Palestinian women on the occasion and criticized their 
marginalization in society. She said, "The absence of Palestinian 
women in all aspects of the decision-making process perpetuates a 
culture in which women are controlled."

Although there is room for improvement, Abu Zneid was the first to 
sing the praises of the role of women in Palestinian society. She 
stressed that they "provide the best model for the image of the 
'modern woman' through their participation in governance and 
leadership, and the importance of women in defying the Israeli occupation."

In honor of the day the Hamas party issued a congratulatory statement 
and said that the women's struggle is akin to that against all forms 
of injustice and oppression. "Palestinian women are the first example 
in the world of women distinguished in all aspects of political and 
social life, in struggle and perseverance. They are martyrs, 
prisoners, members of Parliament. They do all of this under the yoke 
of occupation."

Abu Zneid called to reformulate the role of women in Palestinian 
society, in its ideas that stem from old customs and traditions. The 
PLC member is working on a development plan to link social and 
economic issues through education.

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights reported today that violence 
against women is up, as it goes hand in hand with a faltering economy 
and lack of security. While Israeli forces killed 36 Palestinian 
women in a year, another 12 were killed by family members in "honor killings."

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