[News] 7,905 Palestinians injured by Israeli army fire since 2000

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Thu Jul 19 13:15:54 EDT 2007

3 Articles Follow

Palestinian Health Minister: 7,905 Palestinians 
injured by Israeli army fire since 2000


Thursday July 19, 2007 17:08
by Ghassan Bannoura and R. P. - International 
Middle East Media Center - IMEMC Editorial Group

The information desk of the Palestinian Ministry 
of Health issued a report on Thursday afternoon, 
stating that 7,905 Palestinians have been injured 
by Israeli army fire since the beginning of the 
second Intifada in September 2000.

Palestinian girl injured during Israeli air raid in Gaza (archive)

According to the report, 5,360 of the injured 
sustained their injuries in the West Bank, while 
2,545 occurred in the Gaza Strip. Forty-six 
percent of those injured were children.

The northern West Bank city of Nablus was ranked 
as city with the largest number of injuries, 
comprising 19.6% of the total. The city of 
Ramallah in the central West Bank came next with 11.8% of the total.

Knesset approved a bill proposing barring renting 
or leasing “state lands” to Arabs


Thursday July 19, 2007 01:03
by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencie

The Israeli Knesset approved on Wednesday a new 
bil proposing barring any renting or leasing of 
“state lands” to Arab residents of Israel. The 
law states that state lands cannot be leased to 
“non-Jews”, the Arabs48 news website reported.

The lands, considered state lands, originally 
belong to the Palestinians who were expelled from 
their lands and homes when Israel captured the 
first part of Palestine in 1948. The lands are 
run by the so called Department of the Lands of 
Israel, and the National Israeli Fund.

The initial voting on the law was approved by 64 
members of Knesset, and was opposed by 14. The 
bill was presented by Uri Ariel, head of the Mifdal – National Union Party.

Arab member of Knesset, Wasel Taha, said that 
this “proves that the Israeli parliament is crazy 
since it approved such a bill which is racist and 
legitimizes the biggest land theft”.

He added that these lands belong to Palestinian 
residents who were forced out and became refugees 
in nearby Arab countries and are living under 
miserable conditions since 60 years.

“This racist law legitimizes theft, which also 
deprives that Arab Palestinians, living in Israel from this land”, Taha added.

It is worth mentioning that Arab members of 
Knesset, who are members of Israeli parties such 
as the Likud and Kadima did not attend the 
session and did not even attempt to pressure 
their parties in order to oppose this bill, the Arabs48 news website reported.

Several Arab residents repeatedly tried to rent 
state lands but their requests were rejected, and 
they filed appeals to the High Court of Justice. 
This law will void any future chances for the 
Arab residents in renting these lands.

The presented bill states that “State lands must 
always be in Jewish hands”, which is another 
example or racism practiced by Israel against the 
non-Jewish residents, especially the Arabs who are the natives of this land.

Moreover, the new bill comes as Israel is ongoing 
with its destruction of “non-recognized” Arab 
villages in the Negev. Although village councils 
repeatedly appealed to the Israeli authorities to 
recognize their village, Israel always rejected 
these request and outlawed these villages which 
gave the Israeli authorities a bigger chances to 
continue the ongoing destruction of the Arab houses there.

Israeli army invades several West Bank cities and towns, kidnaps 17 civilians


Thursday July 19, 2007 12:57
by Ghassan Bannoura - IMEMC Editorial Group

Israeli troops kidnapped 17 Palestinian civilians 
during a pre-dawn invasion conducted by the 
Israeli army in several West Bank cities and 
towns on Thursday, Palestinian sources reported.

The invasions reportedly took place in Hebron, Bethlehem and Tulkarem.

In the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem, 
witnesses said that more that 20 Israeli army 
vehicles stormed the city and the nearby Nur 
Shams refugee camp. Israeli soldiers entered and 
searched homes, then forced men out in the 
streets, taking ten of them to an unknown location.

Among those kidnapped in Tulkarem today were 
Ahmad Mikbel, 26, and his brother Mohamed, 21; 
Jawad Najar, 25, and Bassam Taref, 25.

In the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem, a 
massive Israeli force invaded the city, attacking 
Dheisha and Aida refugee camps as well as the 
nearby town of Doha. During the invasion, Israeli 
troops searched and ransacked scores of homes 
while local youth hurled stones at the army. 
Israeli troops responded with tear gas and 
rubber-coated bullets. No damage or injuries were 
reported. At the end of the invasion, the Israeli 
army left the city after kidnapping two civilians.

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