[News] Feb 7 International Day in Solidarity with the Haitian People

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Jan 28 12:33:23 EST 2007

Bulletin #1 - Jan. 26, 2007
30 Cities Join International Day in Solidarity with Haiti

So far 30 cities -- in South America, the 
Caribbean, Europe, the US and Canada -- have 
joined hands in the February 7th International 
Day in Solidarity with the Haitian People. They 
are answering the call of the popular movement in 
Haiti, which is mobilizing people for February 7, 
as they have been continually since the February 29, 2004 coup d'etat.

 From street demonstrations and marches to 
vigils, film showings and public meetings, people 
in 13 countries (so far!) are uniting around the 
6 demands and the central theme: Stop the War 
Against the People of Haiti -- End the Foreign 
Military Occupation -- Respect Haiti's Sovereignty!

Protests are being organized in Brazil, Chile, 
Peru, Bolivia, the US and Canada -- countries 
that provide troops for the UN military force in 
Haiti --as well as in Ireland, England, Mexico, 
Guyana and the Caribbean. Cities with large 
Haitian communities in the US and Canada will be 
mobilizing. New York will see a Haiti solidarity 
demonstration at United Nations headquarters on 
Feb. 7th. San Francisco and Los Angeles will 
target the consulate of Brazil, whose UN military 
commander in Haiti is responsible for the 
massacres and the almost daily, heavy-caliber 
attacks on the men, women and children who live in Cite Soleil..

This is a critical moment for Haiti. Repression 
is intensifying, but the people's resistance 
continues strong. Our practical solidarity can 
play a key part in this life-or-death struggle.

Here is what you can do:

1.  Organize an activity for Haiti on or around 
Wednesday, Febuary 7  in your city or town.
2.  Let us know now what you are planning -- 
date, time, location, type of activity, contact 
information -- so we can build the 
campaign.  [Call +1-510-847-8657 or email 
<mailto:sub at sonic.net>sub at sonic.net]. After your 
event, please call or email us a report 
immediately so we can publicize each city's 
protest activity while the news is still fresh.
3.  Circulate key documents [sent separately]:
    a.  The "Call to Action - International Day 
in Solidarity with the Haitian People - 
Coordinated International Protests on Feb. 7, 
2007." In English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
    b.  Sept. 30th Foundation Declaration: "No to 
Occupation -- No to Trusteeship" - in English and 
Kreyol. And recent article: "The Coup d'Etat Continues" in French.
    c.  Reports on the December 22 "Christmas 
massacre" in Cite Soleil; on the role of the UN 
since the Feb. 29, 2004 coup; and on the current situation in Haiti.

Thank you, brothers and sisters.

The February 7th Organizing Committee

A Call to Action – Join the International Day in 
Solidarity with the Haitian People
Coordinated International Protests
on February 7, 2007

***  End the Foreign Military Occupation of Haiti!
***  Stop the War against the People of Haiti!
***  Respect Haiti's Sovereignty!

Dear Activists for Haiti,

The United Nations forces in Haiti (MINUSTAH) – 
backed to the hilt by the US, France and Canada – 
are continuing their bloody assault on the poor 
majority, targeting especially leaders and 
supporters of the Lavalas grassroots democracy movement.

On December 22, 2006, some 400 UN troops 
conducted another day-long raid in Bois Neuf, 
Cite Soleil – an operation on the scale of the 
July 6, 2005 UN massacre in the same neighborhood 
– with many civilian residents dead and wounded. 
Since the "Christmas massacre," UN forces have 
repeatedly raided Cite Soleil shooting off their weapons.

In response, Fondasyon Trant Septanm, an 
11-year-old organization of victims of the 1991 
and 2004 coups d'etat in Haiti, has issued a call 
for renewed protests in many cities of the world 
on February 7, 2007. This is the anniversary of 
the overthrow of the dictator "Baby Doc" Duvalier 
in 1986. Haiti will be demonstrating on that day – so should we!

The February 7th call is supported by 
representatives of these grassroots organizations 
in Haiti: + Comite de Defense des Droits du 
Peuple Haitien (Committee in Defense of the 
Rights of the Haitian People) + Confederation des 
Travailleurs Haitiens (Confederation of Haitian 
Workers) + Femmes Victimes Debout (Women Victims 
Stand Up) + Collectif des Parents et Amis des 
Prisonniers Politiques (Collective of Relatives 
and Friends of Political Prisoners) + 
Coordination Nationale des Organisations de 
Droits Humains (National Coordination of Human Rights Organizations).

The February 7th International Day is part of a 
campaign against the US/UN Occupation by the 
popular movement in Haiti, leading up to February 
15th when the UN Security Council is due to renew its Haiti mandate.

We need to act now in solidarity with our Haitian 
sisters and brothers, whose unbreakable spirit, 
in the face of severe repression, just won’t stop.

Building on the 2005 international demonstrations for Haiti

The July 6th massacre by UN troops in Cite Soleil 
sparked an international campaign, culminating in 
a day of solidarity actions in 15 cities and five 
countries on July 21, 2005. The campaign 
succeeded in breaking through the media blockade, exposing the massacre.

This was followed by the first International Day 
in Solidarity with Haiti on September 30, 2005, 
when coordinated actions in 47 cities in 17 
countries on 4 continents condemned the bloody 
US/UN occupation and demanded that Haiti's 
sovereignty and democracy be respected.

Today, violent repression continues against 
grassroots activists and communities – by UN 
forces and  paramilitary death squads [like the 
Little Machete Army] created by the Haitian 
National Police. We're talking not only about 
killings, but sexual abuse, beatings, house 
burnings, arbitrary arrests, and the prolonged, 
illegal detention of people without any charges. 
UN forces have been repeatedly implicated in these activities.

Our call is for each city to organize its own 
Haiti solidarity activity on or around Wednesday, 
February 7, 2007 – to be coordinated as a single worldwide mobilization.

It could be a march, rally, public meeting, 
vigil, house meeting or civil disobedience – 
whatever you are able to do – in support of the following demands:
    * End the brutal US/UN Occupation – Respect Haiti’s sovereignty
    * Stop the killings, sexual abuse and 
massacres of the poor by UN troops, police and 
paramilitaries under police control
    * Free the political prisoners – No more illegal arrests & detentions
    * President Aristide must be free to return 
to Haiti – Respect the Haitian Constitution
    * Launch an independent inquiry into the 
February 29, 2004 coup and forced removal of President Aristide
    * Perpetrators of the coup and massacres of 
the poor must be brought to justice – Reparations for the victims

Join us in this important mobilization. Let us 
know by phone or email what solidarity activity 
you are organizing for on or around February 7th, 
so we can build the campaign. Use your contacts 
in other cities and countries to spread this movement.

     For the February 7, 2007 International Day 
of Solidarity with the People of Haiti,

Lavarice Gaudin, Veye Yo

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, Fondasyon Trant Septanm

Margaret Prescod, Global Women's Strike

Dave Welsh, US Labor/Human Rights Delegation to Haiti

Contact the Feb. 7th Organizing Committee at 510-847-8657 or sub at sonic.net

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