[News] Feb 7th International Day in Solidarity with Haiti -- worldwide EMERGENCY PROTESTS!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jan 22 15:02:15 EST 2007

February 7th International Day in Solidarity with 
Haiti -- worldwide EMERGENCY PROTESTS!

STOP UN 'Peacekeeper' Massacres in Haiti
FREE All Political Prisoners
END Foreign Military Occupation of Haiti
RESPECT Haiti’s Sovereignty – Return President Aristide

Wednesday, Feb 7, 2007 - Gather at 4:30 pm for a 
5 pm Rally at Powell & Market (Powell St. BART) 
Followed by a March down Market to a picket at 
the Brazilian Consulate, 300 Montgomery (between 
Pine & California). Brazil commands the UN military force in Haiti.

The foreign military occupation of Haiti 
continues. The 8000 UN troops are a proxy force 
for the US, French and Canadian soldiers who 
overthrew Haiti's government in a 2004 coup. UN 
troops and police-controlled death squads 
routinely assault communities that support the 
Lavalas grassroots democracy movement. They are 
responsible for killings, sexual abuse, beatings, 
house burnings, arbitrary arrests, and prolonged, 
illegal detention of people without any charges.

In the pre-dawn of December 22nd, 400 
Brazilian-led UN troops began a day-long raid in 
Cite Soleil -- an operation on the scale of the 
July 6, 2005 UN massacre in the same poor, 
working-class community. They fired heavy weapons 
from tanks and helicopters into people's homes. 
Many residents were killed and wounded. Local 
citizens were outraged that UN troops blocked Red 
Cross access to the area, refusing medical care 
to people they had injured, including numerous children.

The grassroots movement in Haiti has called for 
coordinated international protests on February 7, 
to raise the demand: All foreign occupation forces must leave Haiti now!

Let us act now in solidarity with our Haitian 
sisters and brothers, whose unbreakable spirit, 
in the face of severe repression, won’t stop.

Sponsored by Haiti Action 
www.haitisolidarity.net   510-483-7481

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