[News] The Executioner's Face is Always Well Hidden

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jan 2 13:36:57 EST 2007


The Executioner's Face is Always Well Hidden

France Invades US (Part 11) - For parts 1 - 10, 
click here: http://www.jerryghinelli.com

By Jerry Ghinelli

12/31/06 "Information Clearing House" -- -- The 
government of France announced early today that 
former US President George Walker Bush was 
executed for crimes against humanity, after all 
his legal appeals had been thoroughly exhausted.

French liberation forces, the very same who 
invaded the US back in 2003 to bring democracy to 
the American people, handed the former President 
George W. Bush over to a newly elected, Vichy-style American administration.

Shrouded in ski masks to conceal their identity, 
the American executioners, who would later 
identify themselves only as Northeast liberals, 
immediately transported their prisoner, a defiant 
George W. Bush, from his damp, dirty prison cell 
in the walled-off enclave in Washington, DC, to 
the gallows at an undisclosed location.

In his hand clutching the same Bible that he had 
used for his inauguration back in January 2001, 
Bush remained defiant to the end, declaring the 
French invasion of the US illegal and those 
Americans who had collaborated with the hated 
French "traitors." He called on all his 
supporters and opponents, Black and White, 
Christian and Jewish, rich and poor, to unite and 
expel the French invaders from the North American continent.

After a lengthy trial by a series of judges, 
approved by Paris, George W. Bush was convicted 
for crimes committed against his own people while 
he reigned as governor of the State of Texas in the 1990s.

Bush was condemned to the gallows for executing 
152 Texas prisoners using lethal chemicals 
concealed in hypodermic needles. All 151 men and 
one woman (Karla Faye Tucker) had proclaimed 
their innocence and referred to the Texas legal 
system as old-West, cowboy-style, kangaroo justice.

Bush, however, cheated history and never stood 
trial for his alleged international crimes, which 
stemmed from his illegal invasions of Iraq and 
Afghanistan. Those actions defied international 
law and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of 
thousands of innocent civilians, said a spokesman for the French government.

On vacation at his villa in Nice, French 
President Jacques Chirac issued a brief 
statement, declaring that justice had been served 
to the brutal tyrant who enslaved the American 
people during his long reign of terror: "This is 
an important milestone in America becoming a 
democracy that can govern itself." Chirac 
rejoiced at the collective will of the American 
people and concluded his brief statement with his 
customary "Vive la France" patriotic boast.

It was French president Chirac's decision, back 
in March 2003, to invade the US in order to 
abolish America's weapons of mass destruction, 
sever links to terrorist groups-such as Britain's 
MI6 and Israel's Mossad-and bring peace and 
security to the special people of French Quebec.
Chirac often likened the US, along with Israel 
and Britain, as part of an "axis of evil."

Bush, you'll recall, was captured in a spider 
hole a few miles from his ranch in Crawford, 
Texas, back in December 2003. Long-haired, 
bearded and wearing his trademark cowboy hat, the 
former US President was shaking and begging for 
mercy, according to the corporate French media. 
French troops arrested Bush and mocked the 43rd 
president of the US with a sarcastic French 
greeting: "Le Président Chirac envoie ses égards" 
(President Chirac sends his regards).

Bush supporters, however, dispute this version, 
and witnesses claim that Bush was brandishing his 
defiant smirk and, in the spirit of Davy 
Crockett, resisted the French troops and bravely 
fought them in hand-to-hand combat as he 
repeatedly shouted, "God bless America" at the overwhelming French forces.

Soon the French called special elections in 
America, citing the illegitimacy of the Bush 
regime that, they claim, had seized power in 2000 
in a fraudulent election. The newly formed US 
government, modeled on the French parliamentary 
system, ended years of tyranny inflicted on the 
American people who, proclaimed Chirac, are now 
free to enjoy the freedoms that the French people have always enjoyed.

To date the French have spent over 300 billion 
euros and lost 3,000 soldiers, along with nearly 
25,000 wounded, in their special sacrifice to 
guarantee security for France, bring peace and 
democracy to the good and well-deserving American 
people, and free them from the tyranny of the 
Bush regime and his cabal of neo-Con terrorists.

Some skeptics, however, claim that the invasion 
of America had nothing to do with French 
security, freeing the American people or 
eliminating 10,000 nuclear weapons the US 
possessed at the time of the invasion. Rather it 
was to extend French hegemony on the North 
American continent; control the vast American 
natural resources; replace the Petrodollar with 
the PetroEuro as the world's reserve currency, 
and provide security and prosperity for the newly 
formed, break-away nation of French Quebec. 
Having seceded from Canada after years of 
persecution through Anglo-American racism and 
bigotry, the democratic French nation of Quebec 
emerged as the only democracy on the entire North 
American continent, claimed Chirac.

On the streets of American cities, the reaction 
to the execution of the former American president was mixed.

While many traditional liberal Democrats despised 
the 43rd president, they remained perplexed and 
conflicted at the seemingly illegitimate trial, 
which defied international law and had all the 
earmarks of French manipulation. The former 
American system, wherein all men are presumed 
innocent, has been replaced by a newly inspired 
French system, modeled more on Robespierre than 
on Madison, noted one American, who wanted to remain anonymous.

To most of the American people, the sight of 
their former president, hanged by a puppet-like 
government whose strings are pulled in Paris, was 
both troubling and humiliating. True, according 
to recent opinion polls, 71% of Americans 
despised the tyrant Bush, but 90% of Americans, 
despite being "liberated" by the French from the 
illegal, illegitimate and dangerous Bush neo-Con 
regime, hate the French so much more.

The devout Christian supporters vowed to 
intensify their resistance to the French 
occupation and praised Bush as a martyr. The 
hanging of Bush, like the hanging of John Brown 
back in 1859, said one, will serve as a lightning 
rod for war. A spokesman for Chirac chuckled at 
the remark, suggesting that John Brown was a 
terrorist who, like Bush, had been brought to 
justice with a rope around his neck. He referred 
to the American Civil War, which took place from 
1860 to 1865, as well as to the chaos caused by 
the 2003 French invasion as simply "sectarian 
strife." Stuff happens, he quipped.

The French corporate media appeared gleeful as it 
rolled macabre, grainy video footage of the final 
minutes of the former US President's life. French 
politicians declared another corner has been 
turned in their divinely inspired mission to free 
the American people from the tyranny of the Bush 
regime, the British collaborators and all those Judeo-Christian fascists.

On the streets of Paris, though, it was still 
Paris Hilton's exploits rather than George Bush's 
execution that remained the most important news 
of the day. This, of course, was only eclipsed by 
the recent decrease in the price of petrol and 
the record stock market close of the French CAC 40.

The citizens of France cannot grasp the 
ingratitude of the American people for the 
sacrifices made by the French in blood and 
treasure on their behalf. They claim the 
Americans are not worthy of democratic self-rule, 
citing hundreds of years of their savagery 
towards Native Americans, African Americans, a 
bloody civil war, internment of Japanese 
Americans and countless race riots throughout America's turbulent history.
"Can't these people just get along?" noted one French pundit.

George W. Bush has received the justice he denied 
to his victims, said a determined Jacques Chirac. 
When asked if the execution of the former US 
president was manipulated by Paris rather than 
being the will of the American people, Chirac 
dodged the question by reciting the lyrics from a song by Bob Dylan.

"Remember," he said, "the executioner's face is always well hidden."

Yes, "and it's a hard rain that's gonna fall."

Jerry Ghinelli writes essays exclusively for 
Information Clearing House ( 
www.informationclearinghouse.info ) and 
contributes his time and efforts as a private 
citizen, with the hope of encouraging readers to 
think more broadly about the important issues 
that threaten the peace and security of the world 
community. Positive feedback should be sent to 
email at jerryghinelli.com or visit 
http://www.jerryghinelli.com for more 
information. All negative feedback should be sent to comments at whitehouse.gov

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