[News] SF - Tues Dec.11 - Demand the Safe Return of Haiti's Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Dec 5 11:04:46 EST 2007

Where is Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine?

Human Rights Advocate DISAPPEARED in Haiti

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, abducted on August 12, is still missing. The 
mobilization for his safe return continues: in the U.S. Congress (see 
the letter from Rep. Maxine Waters to President Preval); on the 
streets (vigils at Brazilian Consulates in London and Los Angeles by 
Global Women's Strike, a Rally for Lovinsky's Safe Return December 11 
in San Francisco); and on the internet (Petition to Save Lovinsky).

* Rally Tues. Dec. 11 - 4:30 pm

* Montgomery & Market, S.F.

* March w/African drums to Brazil consulate, 300 Montgomery - Demand 
action from Brazil, which commands the UN military mission in Haiti.

The December 11th SF rally at Montgomery BART station -- held in 
conjunction with International Human Rights Day -- will mark four 
months since the disappearance of Brother Pierre-Antoine. It is 
sponsored by the Haiti Action Committee.

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine is a grassroots leader, member of the Lavalas 
party, and the head of Fondayson Trant Septanm, a Haitian 
organization that advocates for victims of the 1991 and 2004 coup 
d'etats against the democratically-elected governments of 
Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

He was last seen on the evening of Sunday, August 12, 2007 after 
meeting with a US human rights delegation visiting Haiti.

Please continue to fax or call the following numbers. Express your 
concern that all efforts are being made to facilitate the safe return 
of Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine. For more information, visit 

Haitian Ministry of Justice
Tel: 011-509-245-0474

UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)
Tel: 011-509-244-0650/0660
FAX: 011-509-244-9366/67
Or, Fax Office of Secretary General (New York): 212-963-4879

United States Embassy
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Tel: 011-509-223-4711, or 222-0200 or 0354
FAX: 011-509-223-1641

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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