[News] SF - Dec 11th: Stand up for Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Dec 10 13:17:40 EST 2007

Dear friends of Haiti – Today is International 
Human Rights Day. Make the cause of safe return 
of Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine a part of your efforts 
this week. It is almost 4 months since his 
disappearance. There is every reason to believe 
that this is a COINTELPRO-type operation in line 
with US efforts to imprison, disrupt and 
otherwise destroy Lavalas. The campaign has 
already had widespread and high-level support – 
Maxine Waters, Danny Glover, Guyanan leader Eusi 
Kwayana and many others. We can make a 
difference. Please forward the announcement and 
come out in solidarity with Haiti’s grassroots 
movement at this time. And bring your friends!

Where is Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine?
Human Rights Advocate DISAPPEARED in Haiti

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine is a grassroots leader, 
member of the Lavalas party, and the head of 
Fondayson Trant Septanm, a Haitian organization 
that advocates for victims of the 1991 and 2004 
coup d'etats against the democratically-elected 
governments of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. He was 
last seen on the evening of Sunday, August 12, 
2007 after meeting with a US human rights 
delegation visiting Haiti. The December 11th SF 
rally marks four months since the disappearance of Brother Pierre-Antoine.

In conjunction with International Human Rights Day,

Join Haiti Action Committee

Rally Tues. Dec. 11th - 4:30 pm

Montgomery & Market, San Francisco

March w/African drums to Brazilian consulate, 300 
Montgomery - Demand action from Brazil, which 
commands the UN military mission in Haiti.
For more information about the campaign to 
liberate Lovinsky, see <http://www.haitisolidarity.net/>www.haitisolidarity.net

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