[News] Support for Ward Churchill

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Aug 1 11:15:46 EDT 2007

Firing Back:

Ward Churchill v. University of Colorado

July 31, 2007

In a time when our basic civil and human rights are endangered it is 
critical to resist those who would have us believe that the current 
state of affairs is inevitable. We cannot allow ourselves to be silenced.

We do not believe the University of Colorado fired Ward Churchill 
because of so-called "research misconduct."   The attack on Ward 
Churchill is part of a larger effort to silence criticism of 
government policies and to discredit alternative, particularly 
Indigenous, histories and perspectives; an attack spearheaded by 
neoconservative groups like  Lynne Cheney's American Council of 
Trustees and Alumni (ACTA).  For more on CU President Hank Brown's 
ties to ACTA, see 

There are many fronts in the struggle to preserve access to truth and 
the freedom to think and speak critically. In addition to whatever 
avenues you are already pursuing to redress injustice, we urge you to 
support Ward Churchill's lawsuit against the University of Colorado.

For background and updates, visit the Ward Churchill Solidarity 
Network (WCSN) website 
at   <http://www.wardchurchill.net/>www.wardchurchill.net .

Ways to help:

*  Send donations for legal expenses to :


             PO Box 20035

             Boulder, CO 80308

             Make checks payable to: David Lane.

Attorney David Lane is generously contributing his time and 
talents.   Donations will be placed in a trust account and used only 
for legal expenses such as filing fees, depositions, etc.

  *   Volunteer in legal, educational, or fundraising efforts:

<http://mail.google.com/mail/info@wardchurchill.net> info at wardchurchill.net

*  Have your organization or institution sponsor a talk by Ward Churchill :

<http://mail.google.com/mail/wardspeaks@gmail.com>wardspeaks at gmail.com .

*  Spread the word and forward this e-mail to your networks.

In solidarity,

Kathleen Cleaver and Natsu Taylor Saito

Supported by strong and committed women including Pam Africa, Carrie 
Dann, Jennifer Harbury, Yuri Kochiyama, Cynthia McKinney, Pearl 
Means, Lynne Stewart, Haunani-Kay Trask, Sharon Venne, and many 
others in the struggle for justice.

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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