[News] Posada Carriles: Chronology of a Murderer

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Thu Apr 26 08:54:54 EDT 2007


Posada Carriles: Chronology of a Murderer

  February 15th, 1928: Luis Posada Carriles is born in the Cuban city 
of Cienfuegos.

1954: He moves to Havana and meets some politicians allied to 
dictator Fulgencio Batista.

1955: He becomes a secret collaborator of the Batista's police.

1957: He contacts the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).

1959: He gets involved with counterrevolutionary groups which carry 
out sabotages in the island.

1960: He asks for asylum in the Argentina embassy alleging to be 
politically chased.

February 25th, 1961: He travels to Miami with a safe-conduct, where 
the CIA orders him to contact the counterrevolutionary organizations 
which are getting ready  for Playa Giron invasion.

March-April, 1961: He goes to Guatemala to train the mercenaries for 
infiltration and sabotages in Cuba's Bay of Pigs territory. He 
doesn't participate in the invasion because his ship doesn't land in 
due time before the defeat of the mercenary troops.

1961-1962: In the United States he contacts the terrorist 
organization Movimiento Nacionalista Cubano (MNC).

1964-1965: He gets involved in activities against the Cuban 
Revolution in the United States, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

May, 1965: The FBI informs that Posada Carriles was connected to a 
conspiracy to overthrow the Guatemalan government.

June, 1965: A CIA declassified memo connects Posada with Jorge Mas 
Canosa in Veracruz, Mexico when trying to blow up a Soviet ship.

October, 1967: The CIA transfers Posada Carriles to Venezuela where 
he joins the Direction of the Intelligence and Prevention Services 
(DISIP).  Using the pseudonym "Comisario Basilio" (Commissar Basilio) 
he takes part in repressive activities against Venezuelan and Latin 
American progressive groups.

1967-1976: He simultaneously works for the CIA in the secret services 
of Venezuela, Guatemala, El Salvador, Chile and Argentina.

1971: He organizes an assassination attempt against  Commander in 
Chief Fidel Castro during a tour of the Cuban leader to Chile, Peru 
and Ecuador.

January 21st, 1974: He is connected with explosive devices placed in 
the Cuban embassies in Argentina, Peru and Mexico.

July, 1974: He sends bombs in letters and books to several Cuban 
consulates in Latin America.

November 7th, 1974: He places bombs in the Institute of Brazilian 
Studies and in the Bolivia Embassy in Ecuador.

June, 1975: He opens in Caracas, Venezuela, the Enterprise for 
Commercial and Industrial Investigations CA (ICICA) in order to hide 
his terrorist activities in the region.

1976: He joins Orlando Bosch to found the anti-Cuban terrorist 
organization Committee of United Revolutionary Organizations (CORU).

April 22nd, 1976: He is connected with the detonation of a bomb in 
the Cuban embassy in Portugal, where two Cuban diplomats are killed.

July 1st, 1976: He places a bomb in the Costa Rica-Cuba Cultural 
Center in Costa Rica.

July 9th, 1976: He is responsible for a bomb placed in the luggage of 
Cubana de Aviacion airline in Jamaica.

July 10th, 1976: He is connected to a bomb placed in the offices of 
Cubana de Aviacion airline in Barbados.

July 11th, 1976: He is linked to a bomb placed in the offices of Air 
Panama airline in Colombia.

October 4th, 1976: The CORU (Coordinator for 
Integrated  Revolutionary Organizations) declares to have placed a 
bomb in a television channel in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in which the 
Cuban film "The New School" was being shown.

October 6th, 1976: Posada Carriles is identified as the principal 
planner and mastermind, together with Orlando Bosch, of the sabotage 
to a Cuban airplane while flying off the coasts of Barbados in which 
73 people were killed.  Both criminals are arrested in Caracas and 
are prosecuted together with Hernan Ricardo and Freddy Lugo, who were 
the one who carried out the sabotage.

1976-1985: He is kept in prison in Venezuela waiting for the verdict 
of a too long judicial process.

August 18th, 1985: He escapes from prison and after staying 15 days 
in Caracas he is transferred to Aruba in a shrimper.  Once in that 
country he takes a private flight to Costa Rica and then to El 
Salvador. All the operations are financed by the National 
Cuban-American Foundation (FNCA) and indirectly by the US Central 
Intelligence Agency (CIA). In Ilopango's air base he joins the group 
responsible for the supplies to the counterrevolutionaries in 
Nicaragua. He gets involved with the arms traffic controlled from 
Washington by Oliver North, advisor for internal security of the then 
US President Ronald Reagan.

October, 1986: When the burst of the Iran-Contras scandal, he joins a 
group of Venezuelan instructors engaged in training the Salvadorian 
police on counter-guerrilla and interrogatory techniques.

1988: He travels to Guatemala to work as security advisor for the 
Guatemalan Telephone Enterprise (GUATEL)

1992: The National Cuban-American Foundation (FNCA) organizes a 
"military section" in charge of preparing and executing terrorist 
activities against Cuba and its main leaders in which Luis Posada 
Carriles, together with Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampoll have an 
active participation.

1993: The FNCA terrorist group adopts another name: Cuban National Front.

1994: Posada Carriles organizes an unsuccessful attempt against Cuban 
President Fidel Castro in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, when the 
leader was touring the historic center of the city together with the 
Literature Nobel Prizewinner Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

1994-1997: He recruits mercenaries from Central American countries to 
carry out terrorist attacks in Cuba, specially in the tourism sector.

July 12th-13th, 1998: In an interview with the New York Times daily, 
he declares to have been backed by FNCA for the bomb attacks in Cuban resorts.

November 5th, 2000: Posada Carriles arrives in Panama with a 
Salvadorian passport issued to Franco Rodriguez Mena (one of his 
alias) to organize a bomb sabotage in the meeting hall of the 
Panamanian University where Fidel Castro was supposed to deliver a speech.

November 17th, 2000: Fidel Castro denounces an assassination plan 
against himself in an Ibero-American summit in Panama. Panamanian 
officials discover explosive material and arrest Posada together with 
Gaspar Jimenez Escobedo, Pedro Remon and Guillermo Novo Sampoll.

April 20th, 2004: The saboteurs are punished with 4 to 8 year imprisonment.

August 26th, 2004: The then Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso 
exempts the four terrorists from imprisonment. They secretly leave 
"El Renacer" prison and are taken to Albrook airport from where they 
fly to Tocumen airport.  Once there, a private jet takes them to 
Honduras.  Posada stays in that country while the other three 
terrorists go to Miami.

March, 2005: Posada goes to the United States and lawyers say he is 
looking for asylum.

April 11th, 2005: In the first of a series of special TV 
presentations, Cuban President Fidel Castro denounces the complicity 
of the US government with terrorism when saying that Posada Carriles 
would possibly be admitted in that country.  News received more than 
ten days ago informed that the terrorist is in Miami where 
arrangements are made to grant him asylum.

April 17th, 2005: Fidel warns about the possibility of Posada being 
disappeared in the United States. He asks them not to kill him now, 
not to poison him, he asks them not to say that he died due to a 
heart attack or a brain damage, he says we are ready to send doctors 
to care for his health, so he can tells all he knows and can be prosecuted.

May 1st, 2005: Fidel addresses over one million Cubans at the 
Revolution Square in Havana during the 1st of May celebrations and 
gives more evidences on Posada Carriles presence in Miami and the 
evident refusal of the White House to do something despite so many 
evidences on the case.

May 4th, 2005: Venezuelan Chancellor Ali Rodriguez asks the United 
States to obey the already signed agreements and extradite Luis 
Posada Carriles for trial in Caracas.

May 10th: The New York Times publishes an editorial in which it is 
affirmed that on behalf of credibility, consistency and justice, the 
US government must arrest and extradite terrorist Luis Posada Carriles.

May 11th: The Cuban president refers to a report by the Federal 
Bureau of Investigations (FBI) in which it is said that terrorists 
Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch are involved in the 
assassination of the Chilean ex-Chancellor Orlando Letelier and his 
North American secretary in 1976.

May 12th: During his special TV presentation, Fidel accuses the US 
government for hiding information taking into consideration that one 
day after the blowing up of a Cuban airliner off the Barbados coasts, 
the FBI and the CIA knew about the material and intellectual authors 
of the criminal sabotage, according to a document red by the mandatary.

May 13th: Venezuela officially asks the United States to extradite 
Posada Carriles. In a press conference held in Washington, relatives 
of victims of terrorism, academics, lawyers and leaders of social and 
religious organizations in the United States demand the government to 
arrest Posada Carriles and extradite him to Venezuela.

May 15th, 2005: The New Herald publishes the article "The war that 
Posada Carriles could not win to Fidel Castro" in which it is 
affirmed that the terrorist has been defeated.

May 17th, 2005: Over a million residents from Havana participate in a 
Combatant March in front of the US Section of Interests to demand 
justice and to end terrorism. It is a march in favor of life and 
peace, in favor of our people and the brother people of the United 
States, says Fidel before the beginning of the historic protest. 
Posada Carriles is arrested by federal agents and taken to South 
Florida where he is kept in a detention center for people with 
migratory problems. The Internal Security Department says the 
prisoner's situation would be analyzed and the next step to follow 
would be informed within 48 hours. The criminal had already offered a 
press conference in which he confirmed his request for political 
asylum to the Bush administration. But later on, his lawyer Eduardo 
Soto informed that Posada Carriles had decided to withdraw the 
petition and leave the North American territory.

May 18th: Fidel calls on the progressive forces of the world to 
demand the US to send Luis Posada Carriles to Venezuela so he can be 
prosecuted there.

Sources: Juventud Rebelde newspaper, PL and AP news agencies, Cubadebate.

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